Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Introduction to Sociology/Stratification / Week 9 /문수빈(Soo Bin Moon)


 Layering is a hierarchical arrangement of people in society, and layering in this week's posting is economic stratification. Economic inequalities are particularly severe in the United States, with about 400 Americans having half the total wealth of Americans. Max Weber shares the socio-economic class based on three characteristics of power, wealth and reputation. In this case, power means the power to carry out his own purposes, property means the total amount of his property and regular income, and reputation means reputation or respect in relation to the status in society. Sociologists Dennis Gilbert and Joseph Carl developed a model of social class structure in the United States. This social inequality originated in the transition from collecting society to horticulture and pastoralism. Sociologist Joel Charon said unequal social class structures are maintained because the wealthy and the mighty protect inequalities. It is also because culture teaches acceptance of inequality. Third, people can accept their position in society.
What was interesting/What did we learn:
 The reason why inequality continues in the society proposed by sociologist Joel Charon was impressive. It was plausible that the rich protected the inequality system. And it has never been thought that culture helps the acceptance of inequality. In fact, modern people, including me, thought that inequality was right and accepted their position in society.
Discussion point:
I am poor because the poor who are in control of society as a whole are lazy. I agree with the idea that the same image makes us accept inequalities for granted. Do you think that culture affects the acceptance of inequality? Please tell me why.

Extra posting/Operationalize/Leisure/Soo Bin Moon(문수빈)


  Leisure means not enjoying profession and doing professionally, but enjoying the majors and other activities in order to get the vitality of life with ample time. Today, many companies in our country accept a five-day work week and many people are involved in leisure activities, and as a result various areas related to leisure are emerging. The number of people visiting overseas for the purpose of traveling, and the data such as the movie theater and the swimming pool increasing the number of the leisure activities are the data showing. The growth of sports-related fields shows that the number of people enjoying sports as leisure has increased.

Extra posting/Operationalize/Addiction/Soo Bin Moon(문수빈)


  Addiction means that it is difficult to escape from it by falling into a certain one. And addiction often has a negative impact on people's lives, making it difficult for people to get into their daily lives.
In the past, when people's attention was focused on drug addiction, today's media devices are developing and many people are attracted to device addiction. Children who are born nowadays are said to be called '
thumbnail generation', and they will be exposed to media devices from a young age. And the media is full of spectacular spectacular images captured by the difficulty of living in other daily life is emerging as a problem. Game addiction can also be seen as an example of media device addiction.

Extra posting/Operationalize/Religiosity/Soo Bin Moon(문수빈)


  I believe that today's traffic is developing, that more people can communicate with each other, and that faith has developed further. If people in the past shared their religion in small amounts with their neighbors or family members, they are now world-wide known and more people are communicating their religion. And more people have the same religion, and the sense of belonging of religious groups has also grown. I think that there is a sense of religious devotion based on this context.

  I think that today, as the anxiety of modern people grows, the phenomenon of deepening of faith has occurred. Indigenous people who have lived a basic life without the development of civilization in the past have believed in local beliefs to relieve the anxiety. The faith developed in today's world, such as Christianity or Buddhism, is systematically equipped with doctrines and allows people to act collectively and live a religious life. And believers are more religious in their group and rely on faith for much of their lives.

Extra posting/Will 3D Printing change the World?/Soo Bin Moon(문수빈)

Q. Will 3D Printing change the World?

I think 3D printers can change the world. Recently, in the reality program, when the artist saw the 3D printer in his private studio, he thought that the 3D printer was popular among many people. By looking at the free use of 3D printers, it is expected that the profession will change in the near future with 3D printers and will have a greater impact on people's lives.


Extra posting/ What may cause reduction in globalization(trade and contacts between different countreies)?/Soo Bin Moon(문수빈)

Q. What may cause reduction in globalization(trade and contacts between different countreies)?

I think it is a diplomatic issue that can reduce globalization. This is because trade relations are broken every time we cannot establish a smooth diplomatic relationship. And I think globalization can be reduced by reducing the volume of imports from foreign countries by worrying about the economic situation in the world and the economic recession around the world.

Race and Ethnicity & Gender / Week 10 / Cindy Paskalina Kweesar

Race groups human based on physical differences that everyone can see. But in contrast to race, ethnicity classifies human according to the social traits they have, for example religion, culture, language, nationality and much more.

The concept of race that classifies based on physical differences is still very controversial. Some sociologists believe that this physical difference is something consider man-made. Therefore some of them chose to use ethnic words compared to the word race.
One solution that can resolve this controversy is to use a combination approach. We have a clear differences from the biological side (skin color, eye shape, hair type), but the thing that can really classifies us in term of race are artificial and socially constructed.

This classification also often creates several problems such as Prejudice and bias. Both of these are related to the negative perspectives held for certain groups. The difference is that prejudice evaluates certain groups based on stereotypes that exist in society and bias evaluates certain groups based on minimum experiences of negative interactions with these groups. Prejudice and Racism can be included in racism because racism in general is a behavior carried out by someone on the basis of understanding certain groups are superior to other groups

Next the topic to be studied is gender. Gender and Sex are two different things. Sex is identified through the biological conditions that a person has. We divide sex into two male and female. While the concept of Gender is identified through masculine personality behavior or their feminism. Feminism is usually associated with characters such as submissive, dependent, emotional and others, while masculine is associated with dominant, independent, and rational characters. Both sex and gender are concepts built by humans.

What was interesting/what did you learn
From the reading, we can see that the differences possessed by humans in the gender dimension influence their social life, such as work, education and others. Often women become victims and man's privileges. One of Christian Schilt's research clearly shows that people who make a transition from female to male will have certain benefits in their work life. They will get fewer jobs and more rewards than women.

Discussion Point
if gender raises many negative gaps, is it not better to eliminate the concept of gender from the start?


Extra posting/Is capitalism fair?/Zhang Peiyao

Capitalism is theoretically fair, but it is actually unfair. Data on income inequality, stagnant median wage growth, lack of economic mobility, and the vast difference in the quality of education between the rich and the poor. It is clear that modern capitalism does not provide a stage for fair competition. We should promote cultural and public policy changes so that the economy can better serve everyone.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Stratification/ week9/ minji jeong


 Layering means classifying people in society. Modern societies often focus on economic stratification. Differentiating between power and wealth in each individual. There is also racial or ethnic stratification, and there are various categories of layering, such as gender-specific layering. However, this layering has limitations that cause inequality. Layering itself means a result of the scarcity of resources in society that someone owns.
These inequalities are most easily found in the United States. The U.S. media's behavior has led to widespread discrimination against poor African Americans and discrimination against women. Regardless of what class they were in the storm that hit parts of the United States, they were moved to the same shelter but not all were affected. Rich people had money to buy cars, emergency hotels and supplies needed for the move, and insurance policies for reconstruction. The unequal effect of this tragedy is perhaps natural. However, it would be nice for everyone to think about the fact that inequality is not just a matter of course.

2. Interesting

The article on why inequality continued was the most interesting. The rich and the powerful of society protect the inequality system. In addition, our culture is taught to accept inequality. People try to accept their status in society and grow their children into rich and powerful people. These are ideologies that protect the inequality system. justify the position of the rich and explain and justify the position of the poor Therefore, people tend to accept inequality. Most members of society believe that they can achieve prosperity and success through self-discipline and self-discipline, and so do I. However, considering that these ideas provided the basis for justifying inequality, I felt that my values were being denied.

3.Discussion point

We always focus on self-development to live a better life. It is to lead a comfortable life by earning wealth, fame, and social status. But I think claiming inequality on the basis of just the economic class has its limits to denying their efforts. In fact, I think there is a natural difference in the achievements of individual efforts. What do you think?

Stratification/week9/Ami Kim

1.       Summary

Layering means placing people hierarchically in society. Sociology has long studied stratification and education for various kinds of inequality, including economic inequality, racial and ethnic inequality, gender inequality and other types of inequality. Inequality means that people have an unequal approach to scarce and valuable resources in society. These resources may be economic or political factors such as health care, education, occupation, property and land ownership, and the ability to influence housing and government policies. Sociologists are interested in things like where inequality comes from. Modern sociologists define stratification in terms of socio-economic status based on Max Weber's Adier, who saw three main aspects of stratification. These three characteristics, power source, property, and pressage, are combined to represent someone's social class or socioeconomic status. The origin of inequality began with the transition from a hunter-gatherer to a horticulture society. The transition from a hunter-gatherer society to a horticulture society led to the creation of surplus goods, which led to inequality in the accumulation of wealth. Over time, Hobbes and Locke expressed the idea that there should be equality in society in the 17th and 18th centuries, and their ideas helped people to think that inequality is the result of social institutions and the actions and intentions of certain groups and not the will of God. Another sociologist, Joel Charon, said the reason why inequality continues in society is because the rich and strong protect the system of inequality and technology increases inequality by facilitating prosperity among generations. The economic class, along with race and gender, forms the opportunities, privileges, and inequality individuals and groups have experienced. Also, increasing U.S. immigrants and reducing jobs in other countries show that the biggest problem American workers face is unfair competition with immigrants from the United States and abroad.

2.       What is interesting / what did you learn

What was interesting was that culture taught acceptance of inequality. According to the study, Americans believe in equality, but they consider inequality fair. The system of inequality is protected by the fact that poor people are poor because they are lazy, irresponsible or have little. People say they tend to be unequal not because they are happy with their situation, but because over time they think their situation is natural and normal and that is what life expects.

3.       Discussion point

The article says that education helps strengthen acceptance of inequality. The nation also makes sure that children get the best education from elite or wealthy families and that they get the best education from their own children when they grow up. However, it is highly likely that families who do not have that much economic ability will not receive a high level of education. How do you think we should solve this inequality?

Extra posting/Will 3d printing change the world?/Ami Kim

Q. Will 3d printing change the world?

A. I think 3D printers can change the world. 
A 3D printer is a technology that can implement the shapes you want. Using this technology, people can get what they want for free without having to pay for it. As the situation repeats, goods do not have to be produced in large quantities, and the labor force that causes the world to go around decreases as the production of goods decreases.

Extra posting / Will 3D Printing change the world? / Kwon Ah Yeon

Q: Will 3D Printing change the world?

A: 3D printing allows one product to be customized to suit individual needs and tastes. Designing a product yourself makes it easier to produce rare products that are either discontinued or difficult to procure. If this technology is used in conjunction with medical, design, medical and aviation, it will be able to pioneer areas that are not currently addressed. 
Increasing the success rate of surgery through virtual surgery will be a tremendous innovation in the medical field after 3D modeling the cancer mass and the patient's body part. 3D printing technology will be actively used in medical fields as well because artificial teeth, artificial bones and artificial joints can also be produced according to the individual's body.

Extra posting/ Will 3D printing change the world? / Heo SeonYeong 허선영

“Will 3D printing change the world?”

I've seen a 3D printer making plastic sculptures before. However, today, I found that the ingredients of the 3D printer are free from chocolate, metal, and plastic. With a 3D printer, you can make chocolate, you can make earrings, and you can even make airplane parts. Small and medium-sized companies are more free to produce small-volume products that they could not produce without factories. This is good because consumers can also get products at lower prices. I want to focus on the fact that we can make an artificial device with a 3D printer. The 3D printer will be a little clearer and will be able to make an artificial device without making mistakes. Artificial organs will save many lives.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Stratification / Week 9 / 김성희 Kim Seonghui

1. Summary

Neolithic inequality means that people cannot access scarce and valuable resources in society. This inequality is not just happening in the Neolithic Age. The source of inequality can be found in the search, collection, and transition from a horticulture to a horticulture society. There were no surplus goods in the hunter-gatherer community, the division of labor was small, and people did almost the same thing. On the other hand, farming communities have more time to do other things and trade than they did in hunting societies. This is what led to inequality. The reason for the continued inequality is that the rich and powerful are protecting the system. Also, culture teaches acceptance of inequality.
The architectural functional approach to layering is essential. They believe it is natural to offer more rewards to motivate the most qualified to fill the most important positions. On the other hand, conflict theorists argue that layering is a social problem. This is because tiering systems are already created and perpetuated in a defined way.

2. What did you learn / What was interesting?

It was surprising that culture, one of the reasons why inequality persists, teaches acceptance of inequality. It is wrong to teach that poverty is their fault because they are just lazy and irresponsible. It was also shocking that police, courts, and prisons work together to protect the system of inequality. Modernists believe that massive economic growth is the key to reducing poverty in poor countries. Colonialism and neo-liberalism are the causes of world poverty. Countries developed at an uneven rate because rich countries exploited poor countries through foreign debt and multinational companies.

3. Discussion Point

We are trying to resolve these inequalities. One example is a fair trade. We hope it will be more expensive, but by using fair trade products, it will help the economy of developing countries. However, if a fair trader applies a fair trade to a particular crop (cocoa, coffee), farmers who grow the other crops will give up the production of the other crops to get better prices. It could undermine the industrial base in the region. So, can this really be seen as helping them? What do you think about it?

Extra Posting / Will 3D Printing change the world?/Inwoo Hwang

It is revolutionary just because you can produce something by ignoring the existing physical laws and production methods. It is just fantasy before 10 years. Currently, 3D printing is widely applied to the medical industry, which is called medical printing, as well as molecular gastronomy and food processing industries, by applying food printing. Combining manufacturing methods and 3D designs that transcend traditional methods, or combining manufacturing methods that can be easily accessed by anyone who downloads a design, can greatly enhance the industrial development of mankind.

Extra Posting : Will 3D Printing change the world -HanBin Bae

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is different from anything human beings have experienced in the past. Big data, robotics, artificial intelligence, cloud, cyber security, 3D printing, shared economy, and blockchain are major technologies. The boundaries of this field of science and technology are disappearing and the consequences of the shocking collaboration are now being poured out. After the fourth industrial revolution, human life will be completely changed.
What is the future of the fourth industrial revolution and what technology will lead? "The first of 3D printing, Internet of Things, drones, unmanned cars, and virtual reality will be 3D printing," said Thomas Frey, a futurist for "gain." His prediction is being matched. 3D printing is now called the alchemy of the 21st century. This is because it changes manufacturing paradigm.
The easiest movie to show the process of 3D printing is Disney's 'Big Hero' that was made in partnership with Marvel. Big Hero is different from Disney animations so far. First of all, there is no prince and princess. It has a unique mabel movie that starts up with a robot fight scene like Disney, warms up by making a superhero, and speeds up against a villain.

Extra Posting / Will 3D Printing change the world / Cindy Paskalina Kweesar

I think 3D printing make people life generally easier. The line between producer and consumer become more blur than ever. The consumer will not depend on the producer anymore because they can do it by themselves. But on the other side, 3D printing can be very dangerous too. For example when the 3D blueprint for guns were publish on the in internet it means everyone without background check and serial number to trace can print and use the gun right away.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Extra Posting / standards for leisure / Kim hyojun

Q: Leisure
A: Leisure is the time it takes to do what it wants. If you can make yourself happy while enjoying it, it is your leisure. Leisure can be divided into economic differences, but I think it is best to enjoy it rather than doing it with money.

Extra Posting/ criteria for addiction/ Kim hyojun

Q: addiction
A: I think addiction is something that you know you have to get out of, but you can't get away with. Addiction is really dangerous. This is because there are many negative aspects of addiction such as smartphones, cigarettes, games and alcohol. However, such as iljungdok cost all because there are negative due to the role of addiction, can't see.

Stratification / Week9 / Kwon Ah Yeon

1. summary 

 Social stratification refers to the phenomenon in which individuals and groups are sequenced by unequal distribution of social scarcity values among members within a society. This phenomenon occurs because social scarcity values are distributed disproportionately according to the individual's ability or family background. There have been many types of inequality in society, including economic inequality, racial and ethnic inequality, and gender inequality. 
 What is the reason for the continuing inequality? First, it is because groups that are relative strong in inequality have enough resources to protect their status. Second, we have the unconscious attitude to justify, accept and accept the reasons for inequality. They recognize their situation as natural and normal over time. Finally, he accepts his position in the socialization process and continues.

2. What is interesting  

Because I was interested in inequality, this topic was very interesting. What was surprising was that despite not only our awareness of inequality in the nation but also around the world, we were living with acceptance and acceptance of our status and position. There are so many irrational and unequal factors in our society today. However, we do not try to change the status quo for granted. It is to understand and accept these things in the process of socialization. I wonder if this is related to human psychology.

3. Discussion Point

I wonder what the results will be like to continue to be this way. What are the risks of being poor and getting rich forever? Can't we reverse this flow? When people start to innovate with questions about their position and position, I wonder what difference will be in our society.

Stratification / Week 9 / Kiara Juliane Annisa

1.     Summary :
Stratification is something that we occurs on our everyday life. Whether it’s about work, social life, or economics, stratification exist in various aspect. So what is stratification actually? Based on the Wikipedia pages stratification refers to the hierarchical arrangement of people in a society. One of the sociologist named Pitirim Sorokin said that stratification is a differentiation between people and putting them into various layers (in a hierarchical way). So we can conclude that stratification is a rule that differentiate people and put them into a diverse category.
There are a few ways to put people in a stratification level, which is by their power, property, and prestige. Power refers to someone’s power in the society (his/her ability to do something), property means that a total of someone’s possession, and prestige means one’s position in a society. Though maybe stratification have a good side of it, but it also has so many negative side. One of the most visible is inequality. The form of stratification that put people on a different type of society makes it unfair. The people who has more power, property and prestige would be above of those who doesn’t in society and it would make the people who don’t have it stay in a lower class and most likely would be oppressed.

2.     What was interesting/what did you learn :
While I already understand that stratification and inequality is something that hard to separate, I found out that in the consequence of inequality my country percentage of population that living less than $2 per day is quite high which is 41%-60%. But on the population living below the national poverty line map my country is actually has a lower percentage which is 10%-20%. I think this is because our country’s money value is not as high as the other forward country and people can actually live with $2 a day even though it’s not that much.

3.     Discussion Point :

I want to know whether is it possible to make a stratification without an inequality? Or is it impossible to do?

WEEK 9 / Stratification/ ANGELA WIBOWO

Summary :
Now we will talking about stratification in society. Stratificaton is the hierarchical arrangement of people in a society, and usually it is from economic stratification, which means that people differentiated by their wealth or power. Stratification related with inequality, and according to the article, sociology has a long history of studying these topic. Inequality means the not every people has access to scarce and valued resources in society. The resource can be economic, political, health care, education, jobs, property, land ownership, housing, and ability to influence government policy.
According to the article, social stratification is related to socioeconomic status. Actually, there are so many ways to measure socioeconomic status, and according to the article there are 3 characteristics and indicator od=f social class or socioeconomic status, there are power, property, and prestige. Power means the ability to order, or make someone do what they order, and usually it called authority. Property means what is that people has, such as stocks, homes, saving, income and other, and this is related with the economic. Prestige means the esteem, reputation of someone in the society, prestige can be found in family name, but for most people in developed countries, prestige related with occupation.
What was interesting / what did you learn ?
. I’ve learn something about social stratification and I’m interested with this topic, and it is related with our social life. I found it is interesting that we have so many ways to measure it, and I found that every country can have their own stratification and how to measure it. 
Disscussion :
I want to know how dangerrous our society life is, and about inequality, is it dangerous, or urgent to be eliminated these days? If it urgent, can we make the inequality to become equal?