There is no edible dog. Equal legal protection to all dogs!
SOURCES : http://news.hankyung.com/article/201809125918Y
Culture differs from country to country. Some countries worship cows and some eat cows. One country is socialism and another is democracy. In this artical concludes with theories of culture, potential for cultural change, and how sociolog.
2.What was interesting/ What did you learn
I agree about eating dog soup. It is not right to eat dogs when you eat pigs, cows and chickens. However, many people also understand the opposition to boshintang. I love dogs and have raised them myself, and I think they are my own family. That is not to blame for eating dog soup or for selling dog soup. That's because it's a way to make a living. They still ignore the rights of cows, pigs and chickens, and think that the move to take care of the rights of dogs is very selfish.
3.Discussion Point
Are you in favor of eating dog soup? If so, for what reason? If the reason for opposing boshintang is animal rights, what do you think about the rights of cows, pigs and chickens?
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