Monday, October 15, 2018

Introduction to Sociology - Deviance / week 7 / sukyung song

1. summary

  Deviation means breaking away from social norms. In some ways, you may think that deviance is a crime. There is a theory of Psychological and Biological Explanations
, Social-Strain Typology, Structural-Functionalism,  Conflict Theory, Labeling Theater and go on.

2. interesting

  The fact that social norms are relative to each country and culture is interesting to see that deviance is also relative. For example, acceptable hand shapes in Korea can be misunderstood as swearing when they go to another country.
It was also interesting that research on tattoos is continuing. While there is still a negative perception of tattoos, as more and more people are getting tattoos, they have a different perception than in the past.

3. discussion

  What are some reasons for getting away?

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