Thursday, October 4, 2018

politics/ week5/ 박서영 seoyoung Park

This chapter studied politics.
Politics is for people to decide social and economic activities and to rule the country.
Types of government are monarchy, democracy, totalitarianism, and communist states.
The monarchy is the type of government in which the most powerful individual (the monarch) governs the state.
Democracy is the rule of the state by a large number of citizens, not individuals. There are also various democracies.
Totalitarianism is a political system in which the nation controls the privacy of its people.
The communist state is a country that has chosen communist ideas as its governing ideology.
What was interesting/What did we learn:
It was interesting that Max Weber said there were three types of legitimate authority.
Authority is the power to lead others and to have influence in a society.
The first type is a Rational-legal authority to rely on the legitimacy that is organized into the laws or rules of the formal country.
The second type is the Traditional authority that originated from customs, habits, and social structures that existed from the past.
The third type is Charismatic authority from the leader's charisma.
Finally, it was surprising that young people did not vote more than older people.
I thought young people would vote more because they had more thoughts and worries about the future, but I was surprised because it wasn't true.
Discussion point:
The power of political power is that some people have more while others have little.
I think the power of politics is unfairly distributed. I wonder how others feel about the power of politics and how power of political power can be equally distributed.


  1. I think what you're saying is power. I think the power of the country should be properly distributed. But I think it will take quite a while to make it possible. If so, they should not be exploited without proper distribution of power.

  2. I agree with the idea that the power of politics is unfairly distributed. Of course, I think it will be difficult for everyone to have the same political power. But I think that at least a certain minority should not have political power concentrated. Therefore, I think that it is necessary to have a policy that helps the weak people to have political power. For example, there is a way to get political parties with certain gender. I can say that it is a reverse discrimination, but I think it is a way to help not to reflect opinions of people with specific gender. I think it is also a way to pre-vote or extend election hours so that those who are late in their work can help to balance political power.
