Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Week6 : Socialization Heo SeonYeong 허 선영

 Everyone becomes a social beginner in their first meeting with others and others become society. This is the basis of socialization. According to Annet, socialization has three goals. First, control your own urges and develop your conscience. Prepare a second role and bring results. Third, socialization dominates the sources of importance, value and meaning of life. That is, all three things develop to function in social life. This socialization differs from culture to culture. There is nothing better or worse because it is relative, and different cultures socialize differently. But this socialization doesn't tell us all about humans. Some parts are biologically determined. The first socialization often refers to childhood and adolescence and develops the basic identity of individuals. 2nd socialization refers to a time when both existing social situations meet new groups, increasing roles and responsibilities and increasing society complexity. If socialization is not carried out properly, education will be provided at detention facilities, prisons and mental hospitals. In all these institutions, all aspects of life are performed in the same place and individuals are treated the same. It will also follow five principles, including a 24-hour plan. These institutions serve to completely eliminate individuals' past lives in order to socialize again into new lives. That is, individuals are removed from parts they do not want.

2.interesting point
  I find it interesting that the first and second socialization describes three specific ways. The development of 'Content' varies from childhood to adolescence to adult, and the development areas of it are growing. Emotional aspects of 'context' also appear to stabilize as adults grow older than the earlier. In 'response', adults are more self-directed and spontaneous than children and adolescents.

3.discussion point
 Socialization may be divided into broad and narrow socialization. Socialization is narrow and has a low crime rate because of the increased pressure of Japanese culture.?' 'The socialization of women is narrower than that of men?' I didn't quite understand this. Can you give other examples of broad and narrow socialization?


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