Q. What are the manifest and latent (dys)functions of going to schools?
A. The manifest functions of going to school is learning something we need. For example, language, math, science, etc.. Doing this, we can earn basic knowledge. And even, we can get higher position of our society. Education is regarded as the only way to get higher class. And latent function of going to school is socialization. As we going to schools, we can learn how communicate with people, and social rules, morality. If we can do this properly at school, when we get a job, we can communicate with people easily. And manifest dysfunction is bullying at school. In the process of interacting people, people can get bullied and can get hurt. Finally, latent dysfunction of going to school is standardized education can lead to loss of individuality. To educate effectively, people made standard process of education. But It ignores individuality. After taking the standardized education, people become similar.
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