The term collective action does not reflect the existing social structure, but it implies the social process and the events that appear in a 'self-induced' manner. Religious revival groups, the environment (greenpeace of social movements), and rumors of rapid spread belong to what sociologists call collective action.
A crowd, one of the groups, is a group of people who share purposes, intentions and influences with each other. Crowds are common in modern life. There is an infectious theory in the theory of mass behavior suggesting that the crowd exerts a hypnotic influence on its members and a convergence theory that suggests that the actions of the crowd are not a property of the invention of the crowd but a result of people of the same thought. There is also the Emergen-Norm theory that claims to combine infectious and convergent theories to combine the same thinking of individuals, personalities, and common emotions to lead to mass behavior.
A rumor is usually a kind of statement of the type of assertion whose authenticity is not quickly or reliably verified. There are three characteristics of gossip: it is word-of-mouth, informative, expressing and satisfying the emotional needs of the community. Such rumors may be part of the collective explanation process or a strategy for political communication.
2. interesting point
It was interesting that rumors could be a strategy for political communication. Society consists of a crowd and the crowd is sensitive to rumors. I think it's probably related to the theory of asthmatic behavior in the crowd. I think good handling of the crowd is the key to success because politics is winning or losing by votes and supporters. That's why people change their minds through rumors that they're not even sure of the truth. Although the ruling has yet to be made accurately in our society, the story of Seoul Mayor Lee Jae-myung's affair has spread and damaged the support of Mayor Lee Jae-
Rumors may be a powerful weapon, but they remind me once again that they can come back to me.
3. discuss
People are sensitive to rumors. I think the action is related to the theory of mucus in the theory of the crowd. What do other people think?
1. summary
Social movements are the broad social alliances of people connected through joint interests that prevent or influence social change. Giddens identified four areas in which social movements operate in modern society: a democratic movement that works for political rights, a labor movement that works for job control, an environmental ecological movement and a peace movement.
Social movement theory includes deprivation theory, mass social theory, structural transformation theory, resource mobilization theory, political process theory, and cultural theory. First, the deprivation theory asserts that social movements have their basis among those who are deprived of good or resources, and that mass social theory is a theory that suggests that social movements are composed of individuals in large, unimportant or socially separated societies, structural changes. Resource equality is a theory that emphasizes the importance of resources in the development and success of social movements. The theory argues that social movements can only develop in EO where disgruntled individuals can mobilize sufficient resources to take action. Political process theory argues that there are three important factors in the formation of movement: resistance, organization, and political opportunity. Cultural theory is based on the theory of mobilizing resources in the political process, but it expands in terms of 'emphasizing the importance of mobile culture' and 'attempting to solve the problem of free riders.'
2. interesting point
I found the theory of political process interesting. Political process theory has described three important factors in the formation of motion: resistance, organization and political opportunity. Looking at these factors reminded me of the democratic movement in Gwangju, Korea. During the democratic movement of Korea, people who felt injustice to the repression and dictatorship of the Chun Doo-hwan administration formed an organization with the will of the people and fought against the government. But the Chun Doo-hwan administration did not stop ruthless killing and suppressing people. In isolation, people were holding out harder. At that time, a foreign newspaper reporter was given a political opportunity to inform other countries of the atrocities and the current situation of the Chun Doo-hwan administration so that other countries could stop it. It was more interesting considering the democratic movement of Korea according to political process theory.
Resource mobilization is a theory that emphasizes the importance of resources in the development and success of social movements. The theory argues that social movements develop when disgruntled individuals can mobilize enough resources to take action. I agree with the move. Because if people are ignorant because their livelihoods are not supported or they lack knowledge, they will not even try to change society. So I acknowledge the importance of resources. Do you agree with this theory?
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