1. Summary
The definition of social movement : It is a broad social alliance of people connected through joint interests that prevent or influence social change.Characteristics of social movements: Social movements do not have to be formal and can be operated individually.
Types of social movements: changes at the individual level, changes at a broad group or social level, minor changes, radical changes
Social movement theory:
(1)Decompression theory: It's a social movement that comes from people who are deprived of good resources.
(2)Mass social theory: It is composed of individuals who are not important social movement or socially isolated.Therefore, it provides authority and sense of belonging.
(3)Structural Deformation Theory: Partially integrate the deprivation theory and depend on it.It incorporates social and structural variants for fundamental motivation and is dependent on circular logic.
(4)Resource mobilization theory: Emphasize the importance of resources in the development and success of social movements
(5)Political process theory:Emphasize the other components of an important social structure for the development of social movements.
(6)Cultural theory: Emphasize the importance of a mobile culture and try to solve the free-rider problem.
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