Friday, December 14, 2018

Demography/ week14/ 엄서영 Um seoyoung

1. Summary
The most important indicators of demographics are birth and death. Demographers are also interested in the movement of the population. When describing social phenomena, they should be able to convert to demographic indicators first. Demographic analysis is a powerful tool for explaining many sociological phenomena.

2. What was interesting/what did you learn
The strongest predictor of the birth rate was the level of education for women. It is said that the higher the education level, the lower the birth rate. However, reducing the birth rate is not because of education itself but because of connections to other factors that lower the birth rate.
I think so, too. I believe that women's social advancement will lead to a delay in getting married, and childbirth will not be delayed.

3. Discussion point
Korea is currently in a low birthrate. While promoting women's education, is there any way to boost the birth rate?

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