Sunday, December 23, 2018

Race and Ethnicity / Week10 / Lim Tae Yi

1. Summary

Race is a biological classification of mankind according to things like skin color and facial characteristics.
Unlike race, ethnicity is a concept that focuses on group links to shared past and culture.
It is said that racial segregation continues because racism is still a continuing social problem.
There is a biological difference between races and that exists within races. But what is used in racial classification is highly artificial and socially constructed.
Prejudice is judging something in advance. In general, prejudice is based on social stereotypes and expresses negative views.
Prejudice is also often used in parallel with discrimination, which can lead to discrimination but are different concepts.

2. What was interesting / What did you learn

The content of color-blind racism was very interesting.
In the United States, avoiding related languages has been used to suggest that racism is no longer a problem, but some scholars have argued that there is new racism.
It was impressive to call it color-blind racism.
The idea of color blindness is to support racism and to avoid mentioning race.
Among the four basic frameworks of color-blind racism, I think 'minimalization' is the most common.
They argue that discrimination is no longer prevalent in society and that it is not as big a problem as it was then, and I think it applies to other kinds of discrimination or prejudice as well as racism.
Abstract liberalism and racism, which deny racism using a free language separated from history, are similarly not directly mentioned, but only seen as self-reliant about their racism.
If you take a closer look at the words and actions you have used without any thoughts, you should know that they may include prejudice, discrimination, and hatred.

3. Discussion point

In the article, race is the basis of stratification and it introduces several ways in which society is stratified by race.
Why can race be the basis of stratification?

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