Friday, December 14, 2018

Week11/ Conflict / Kim Jungah 김정아

Week11/ Conflict / Kim Jungah 김정아

1. Summary
Conflict is a struggle that can lead to change in society or between relationship.
Interaction, change, competition, structural inequality, degree of inequality and revolution could lead to conflict. 
There are many types of conflict. As an example, class conflict is the most typical conflict which happens in our life. The struggle between each group can manifest as physical violence or threat. Conflict theory which happens because of wealth and power inequality happens a lot too. This is usually due to the disadvantages for lower classes, such as lack of access to quality health care or education or some else. Conflict theory could also be applied to the drug abuse. This theory suggest that lower class does more drug than higher class.

2. What is interesting?

Feminine conflict theory suggest that conflict occurs because female were usually oppressed. So women tries to gain equal power like men.

3. Discussion

Conflict is the struggle that changes our society. This could lead to terrible result, because conflict often occurs when they feel they are treating unfair. But sometimes these kind of conflict could lead to positive results. Then do government should try to stop conflict which happens in our society?

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