Friday, December 14, 2018

Week7/Deviance/김권수 Kim Kwonsoo

Summary: Deviance is a violation of cultural norms. Norms are social expectations that lead to human action. Crime is said to be a breach of established law and a formal deviation. An unofficial violation of social norms, which are not prescribed by law, is called an unofficial departure. Deviations can vary considerably from culture to culture. Where norms are relative, what is needed to escape them is also relative. Also, recent studies of deviation by sociologists have taken many forms. 

Interesting point: Social control is interesting that it is a diverse means that society uses to bring its members back to cultural norms. Is there anything right about social control? I think there are enough parts that are not.

Discussion: It is difficult to crack down on all illegal deviations and the criteria for hip deviance are often ambiguous. If there are people who abuse it, society can fall into chaos.

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