Saturday, December 1, 2018

Aging / Week 13 / 배찬형 Bae Chanhyeong


The above map shows the middle age (darker age, darker color) of each national population. It can be seen that the reputation of developed countries is bright, and the color of Africa and western Asia is dark.

1. Summary

 This week's topic explains aging. Aging refers to the process in which humans experience the steps of gaining and achieving something biologically or socially. Aging is considered relatively biologically, rather than socially. People born in the same age can be interpreted in a similar way. But not everyone shares the same environment. Depending on your growth environment, you may find yourself aging or not matching the behavior of a particular age group. Human life is usually divided into eight age groups. There are stages of Infancy, Toddler, Childhood, Adolescence, Young adult, Prime addwood, Middle age, and Old age.
It can be interpreted from a social perspective that age increases. For example, in the East, aging is generally considered wise and wise, but the West often tries to stop aging. In addition, the expected activity varies according to age group and is organized according to culture. Discrimination exists for different ages, and not only for older people but also for young people because of their age. There are things that do not have the right to vote, or that do not legally enjoy drinking or smoking. The reason for this restriction is that they are not capable of making rational decisions. This can be used in defense when committing crimes during childhood. Discrimination against the elderly can be abused or neglected, as well as psychologically and emotionally abused. Income by age-sex / income by age / region aging / age and race all look different.

2. Interesting Point

 The interesting parts of reading were about aging and poverty. In fact, the poverty rate of the elderly is very high in Korea. The problem is that it is not easy for an old man to get a job, but it is difficult to continue working even if he gets one. Being physically vulnerable, they lose their jobs and continue to be poor. I think the problem should be solved through policies such as social security programs because the aging process continues and the poverty rate of the elderly increases.

3. discussion

 The old man in the media is weak and often seen as an image that needs help. It is also rooted in images that force rigid and conservative thinking. In fact, however, the elderly have a lot of wisdom in life and try to accept the change of thought. Do you think it's okay to put a frame on such media or 'old people are'?

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