Summary: The primary function of adoptive parents is to reproduce socially and biologically through reproduction, through socialization, or both. From a child's point of view, the family is an orientation family. From the parent's point of view, the family is the family of the birth. In other cases, adopt marriage privileges, rights and laws (if legally accessible to these opportunities) to establish a child's legal parent status and to co-exist the relationship between children, labor and/or property. Many people do not get the privilege of any couple or family that is available in a given social context. Marriage between brothers and sisters is banned in almost every society. In extreme cases, the medieval Catholic Church banned marriage among distant cousins. In ancient Egypt, marriages between brothers and sisters were allowed in royal families. This privilege has been denied to the public and may have contributed to the concentration of wealth and power in a family.
Interacting Point: It was interesting that there was a family that encouraged incestuous marriage to concentrate on wealth and power.
Discussion: Even the upper class now prefer to marry. Wouldn't this also be a powerful social link?
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