Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Extra posting / How does gender inequality influence our lives? / Kim hyojun(김효준)

Q:  How does gender inequality influence our lives?

A:  Gender inequality can come to a bad end. 
It would be hard to hear that you are a man and a woman. 
Not only did he decide on sex because he wanted to, but he had no reason to be unequal because he had different gender.
Therefore, gender inequality must be eliminated, and sexual issues must be punished severely. 
Currently, in Korea, when sex-related issues are raised, women are excluded and investigated.
I think this is a case of gender inequality, and those who argue for gender equality believe it is important to find a way to deal with such a shortfall rather than just thinking that they will benefit. 
And I think there is a need for strong regulation of groups that promote hatred with sex. (Feminist, Megal)

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