Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Demography/ week14/ minji jeong 정민지


 Demography is simply a study of population analysis. This may apply to a specific group or society as a whole, defined by criteria such as education, nationality, religion, or ethnicity. There are studies of population size, structure, and distribution, including how the population changes over time due to birth, death, migration, and aging. The reason for this study is that it is easy to approach through population analysis before analyzing sociological phenomena. So sociologists start a demographic analysis to explain the phenomenon. The study of population has generally grown with the development of science and industry. Life insurance for early mathematicians and the needs of the expected life tables were presented, and other demographic statistics were established primarily for political purposes.
  The population distribution is not fixed. The influx and outflow of population from the country to the city, from Korea to foreign countries, and vice versa, is repeated. But urbanization has made the population distribution solid. As a result of global change, urban areas have achieved physical growth. People move to cities and look for economic opportunities. In addition, people want a more convenient life. As a result, cities suffer from overpopulation and rural areas suffer from underpopulation. In cities, there are many environmental problems and rising unemployment. In rural areas, the shortage of workers due to the shortage of young people, and due to the lack of population, the number of convenience facilities that even exist is decreasing.

2.Interesting point

   It was impressive to argue that economic growth is the best way to reduce population growth, as economic development fostered a demographic shift in which birthrates naturally. The most productive approach is to provide help aimed at population control and self-sufficiency. In addition, they give women educational, economic and political authority. In fact, in places where women's rights have greatly improved, the birth rate has generally decreased significantly.


I think urbanization is inevitable among the population problems. Because I know well about the population problem caused by urbanization, but I want to live in the city right away. People want more economic income, more convenient life. So how do we solve the problems of urban and rural areas?

1 comment:

  1. Nice to meet you. I read your article well. It was a great article. You were wondering about urbanization and how to solve the population problem in rural areas, and this is what I think.

    Housing problem - the distribution of metropolitan functions to surrounding areas, the supply and support of low-income housing

    Resolving Rural Problems - Improving Living Environment in Rural Areas and Finding ways to increase Farm Income
    I hope that these solutions will solve the urbanization a little bit.
