Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Extra posting-Color pink is associated with girls. Why?

Color pink is associated with girls. Why?

I think there are two reasons why girls think pink is related. First, when it comes to pink, I think of images like Love and Love. Boys are lovely, and there are different emotions depending on the individual. But statistically, girls are more developed in terms of sensitivity. So, the lovely image and affectionate atmosphere of pink image resembles girls, so girls think of pink.
Second, many companies use pink for girls' products. Girls sometimes buy pink toys because they prefer pink, but girls often get to like pink more and more because the things they like are usually pink. I once did an alba selling toys. But the toy section that girls really like is pink and the toy section that boys like is blue. Male and female toys for young infants are usually colorful, not one color. And girls of that time don't like pink very much.

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