Friday, December 7, 2018

Week 14 / Demography / Lee JaeSeong

The Demographic Transition Model, including stage 5.

1.      Summary
Demography is a study of population size, structure, and distribution, and demographic studies that include how the population changes over time due to birth, death, migration, and aging. 
 The reason for studying Demography is to present it as a statistical index before proposing a complex theory to explain social phenomena. For example, when studying factors leading to World War I, most sociologists did not consider the meaning of population growth in European countries. This would have played a role in World War I, as increased population would intensify the competition for resources. Demography began to be studied in the 18th century.
 Demographic is interested in population change, so demographers focus on specific indicators such as the birth and death of change. There are also various data related to fertility and fertility, and the important demographic concept associated with fertility is the replacement level birth rate. Alternate level birth rate is the number of children a woman must have. Death rates are also considered important in Demographic.
 Demographic change is a model and theory that describes the transformation of low birth and high death rates and mortality that occur as part of the nation's economic development. Prior to industrial society, population growth is slow because both birth and death rates are high. The point at which this is converted is when the mortality rate decreases. In a chart divided into five stages, the population will increase from the second stage (the phase in which the death rate is reduced), the third stage (the phase in which both death and birth rate are reduced), and the number of people will be maintained from the fourth stage (the state where death rate and birth rate are the lowest).
 Overpopulation is when a population exceeds its ecological capacity. Early studies predicted that overpopulation would continue to progress, resulting in a geometric progression of accreditation that would create a massive famine. However, such concerns are not expected to occur as food production increases faster than population growth. They approach overpopulation with the survival of the poorest and free-spirited attitudes, claiming that the Earth's ecosystem will naturally regulate themselves. This argument argues that overpopulation will cause a variety of problems such as terrible pollution. 
 Urbanization means the physical growth of urban areas as a result of global change. The main reason for moving to cities is to find economic opportunities. Urbanization provides a variety of opportunities for improvement, including jobs, education, housing and transportation, and encourages market competition. However, there are also problems with the environment, such as the city's heat island, and the falling birth rate. 

 2. What was interesting/What did we learn
The chart on demographic changes was quite interesting. I was worried, "What if the death rate decreases and the population continues to grow?" However, as the national economy and medical technology developed in the table above and various indicators, the birth rate decreased as well, showing that the population could not cross a certain line. We even saw predictions that the death rate may fall beyond the birth rate if it reaches level five. I thought I could see the power of self-cleaning in society with this diagram.
 Also, the story of overpopulation was interesting. Advances in technology were faster than increases in population. Therefore, I don't think that the increase in population will solve the problem.

3.Discussion Point
 Resources are an important issue for the population. We talk a lot about oil among the resources used by the population. "The oil will run out in 30 years!" However, it is said to have come about 100 years ago. This is because humans develop faster technology than oil depletion speed. I think the gap continues to grow. So, will the depletion of oil exceed the speed of human technology?

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