Friday, December 7, 2018

Demography/Week14/seoyoung Park 박서영

This chapter has studied demography. Demography is the study of changes in population, size, birth, death, migration, etc. The reason for studying demographics is to explain sociological phenomena. The study focuses on social changes caused by the scientific and industrial revolutions. They have studied demography since the 18th century. Demography are based on censuses and registered statistics such as birth, death, and marriage. That is, a large data sets are required. The birth rate is the ratio of women to having babies for one year. The death rate is a measure of the number of deaths over a year. Some of the long life factors are wealth, race, ability to delay gratification and job satisfaction. Urbanization is a phenomenon in which people are concentrated in cities. Urbanization is said to be a phenomenon of industrialization and modernization.
What was interesting/What did we learn:
I have studied demography and have not heard the word demography often. So I learn a lot about demography for the first. Demography is a study that began because it was curious about the changes in population. I was aware of the birth rate after watching the news that the birth rate is low. However, it was the first time that there were various birth rates(crude birth rate, age-specific fertility rate, gross reproduction rate). Also, women with higher educational achievements are less likely to have babies. The death rate also found new facts. It is said that the death rate of infants is lower in developed countries. The more education there is, the greater the chance of living longer. This is because there is less possibility of smoking and less temptation to act dangerous.
Discussion point:
I studied mortality in demography. While studying mortality, I learned factors related to long life. Factors were diverse such as wealth, race, and larger social networks. So what do you think are the factors related to long life? Why do you think so?


  1. I think the biggest difference between the past and the present is the development of science and medicine. I think this is applicable to almost any part, and so is the decline in mortality. Advances in science have led to fewer accidents, and as medicine has evolved, things that used to be considered incurable are now treatable.

  2. I think the most relevant factor for longevity is the development of medical technology. When you are sick, you can get medical help and extend your life. Also, the average life span of the country will vary greatly depending on the overall hygiene and food of the country and the average amount of exercise of the people in the country. This is because living in an unsanitary environment is vulnerable to viruses and infections. And recently, markets in this field are developing significantly, thinking that healthy food consumption and steady exercise are directly linked to health. In fact, the survey results can be obtained by examining Japan and the island country's long-lived nations, making news and eating healthy foods.
