Sunday, December 9, 2018

Extra Posting - Is our modern world more peaceful than the past? Can we think of some examples - or contradictions? / HanBin Bae

Peace is usually a state where there is no war between human groups. The opposite concept of war, the purpose, cause, and method of war have changed historically, so the view of war varies with the times. So peace can distinguish between the stages of development, from the limits of war to the abolition. But pacifism should not only mean a passive situation in which there is no war, but it should also include a more active attitude. Since wars are consistent in the premise of national armament, pacifism is in the opposite sense of non-war and non-military. One example is the declaration of the end of the Korean War. The situation that has been in a state of truce for the past 60 years has been resolved and the peace treaty is speaking positively. I think it's more peaceful now because there aren't as many wars around the world as there were in the past.

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