Sunday, December 2, 2018

Extra posting : What kind of changes are needed for more equality? / Kiara Juliane Annisa

  1. Actually listen to the voice of minority, for this case women.
Women's voice usually are brushed off by the society because they don't see it as something important. It is hard for women to raise their voice and actually give of their opinion in many occasion.
  1. Stop child marriage and sexual harassment
Child marriage and sexual harassment are something that is really common. The idea of women being oppressed since they were a little, and did not get the rights that they have is making it harder for women to actually seen in the society.
  1. Make education gender sensitive
Teaching children about the gender and how they have to treat each other is really important. Because sometimes child are occupied by the traditional view they have in their household, so it would be nice to actually teach about it in the educational system
  1. Give proper value to women's work
There are many women who already work but they are viewed negatively and most of the time, not appreciated. Jobs like cleaner, laundry women, maid, are usually a job that is done by a women but people see them as someone lower than those people. Another example is when women actually hold a high position in a company but her wage is lower than a male who's position is lower than her.
  1. Stop the violence to women

Violence is something that is not rarely heard. It happens so often especially to girls. And society usually blame it on the women or more worst, doesn't care about it at all. Just because the victim is a women. This kind of things makes women scared to work and stand up for themselves.

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