Saturday, December 8, 2018

Social Movements/ week12/ 엄서영 Um seoyoung

1. Summary
Social movements are a broad social alliance of people connected through shared interests that block or influence social change.
Social movements don't have to be organized. Multiple alliances can operate individually for common causes and can still be considered social movements.The theories for explaining the development of social movements include deprivation theory, mass social theory, structural transformation theory, resource mobilization theory, political process theory, and cultural theory.

2. What was interesting/what did you learn
Social movements are distinct from social movements, and modern social movements have been made possible through the expansion of the spread of culture and the increase of labor movement due to industrialization of society. I have learned in modern society that there are democratic movements working for political rights, labor movements working for job control, eco- movements related to the environment, peace movements, peace movements, and peace movements.

3. Discussion point
Have you ever been involved in a social movement or are you currently doing it?

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