Friday, November 23, 2018

Week11-2/ Conflict_Theory/ ji eun Bang


The basic premise of conflict is that competition occurs inevitably because resources are limited.When conflict grows, it can lead to a system and social change.Examples of modern conflict theories are human interaction, change, competition from scarce resources, structural inequality, class structure, and innovation.The history of conflict theory began from B.C. In modern times the social structure perpetuates the right of the upper class to retain power.

2.What did you learn? / interesting

As civilization turns into an industrial society, social classes based on wealth, power and prestige emerge. Thus, the upper classes retain power and the lower classes abandon their rights under economic disadvantages. And it was amazing that crime and criminal justice were designed to benefit the upper class while obeying and excluding lower classes.


I agree with Marx's theory of conflict, "The conflict originated mainly in socio-economic areas." What do you think conflict originated?

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