Saturday, November 24, 2018

week11/social movement/kim ji yoon/김지윤

1. Summary
Social movement refers to cooperation of individuals or groups to cause social change. Social movements may or may not involve violence. There are various kinds of social movements, such as demonstrations, boycotts, and strikes.

2. What did you learn/What was interesting
Korea is a country where social movements have been very active until relatively recently. There were many social movements, from civic movements to student movements, which greatly influenced the government. I could hear from a teacher who was relatively young in high school that he was involved in the demonstration himself as a student. It was very interesting that I could hear the story of someone who participated in the student movement.

3. Discussion
Do you think that social movements need to accompany violence in modern society? Most social movements in the past have accompanied violence. However, most current social movements are nonviolent. What do you think?

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