Sunday, November 25, 2018

Week7/ Deviance/ 김정아 Jungah Kim

1. Summary
Deviance is the behavior that violates cultural norm. This can be divided in to 2 types.
First, there could be crime, referred to as formal deviance. This is usually punished by law.
And second, there is informal deviance. Examples are violation of informal social norms like picking one's nose or standing at other too closely. Conflict theory or Labeling theory is the most typical theory of deviance.

2. What is interesting?
I was surprised that crime stastitic is not perfect view of crime. It is because they just show only the data or authorities. This is not fair data and I think eventhough it is not the report of authorities, it should be reported.

3. Discussion
How could we decrease the deviance? Is there a revolutionary idea? I think eventhough people try to look after the law, there could be deviance.

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