Friday, November 23, 2018

Week12/ Social Movement/ seoyoung Park 박서영

This time, I studied about social movements. A social movement is an activity in which people with the same thoughts move together to make changes in society or solve social problems. Social movements do not have to be formally created and carried out. People of the same mind work together or act separately. Social movement and social movement organization (SMO) are also different. There is a stage in the social movement. Social movements occur for a variety of reasons and can be merged. Social movements can be successful and more people can start with an interest in them. But it can be suppressed by others, and it can also cause social movements to fail. There is also a possibility that social movements will go against the original idea.
What was interesting/What did we learn:
I was most interested in the social movement theory. The Deprivation Theory thinks that people who don't have as much resources as others and feel they are not comfortable life start a social movement. Resource-Mobilization Theory considers resources the most important in the social movement. The resources here tell the story of knowledge, money and media. Culture Theory talks about the importance of social movement culture. They also deal with the issue of free riding problem. It was amazing to think about the problem of free rides problem. Other theories of social movements include Mass-Society Theory, Structural-Strain Theory, and Politrical Process Theory. It was so interesting to study various reasons how social movement developed.
Discussion point:
I think there are still many social movements going on. With so many social movements our society is changing too. Is there a social movement necessary to make our society a better society? If so, what kind of social movement is it?

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