Sunday, November 25, 2018

week13/Blog assignment/Family&Aging/Zhang Peiyao

  Family refers to the social life unit formed by relatives on the basis of marital relationship, blood relationship or adoption relationship. Family is a kind of happy life. The family has a broad and narrow sense. The narrow sense refers to the social unit composed of monogamy; the broad sense refers to the various family interest groups or families at different stages of human evolution.From the perspective of social setting, the family is one of the most basic social settings, and it is the most basic and important system and group form of human beings.
The aging of the population refers to the dynamic growth of the proportion of the elderly population caused by the decrease in the population fertility rate and the increase in the life expectancy of the elderly as a result of the decrease in the number of young people and the increase in the number of elderly people.
Two meanings: one refers to the relatively increasing number of elderly people, and the proportion of the total population is rising; the second is that the social demographic structure is old and enters an aging society. The international view is that when a country or region has a population of 10% or more of the total population, or an elderly population over 65 years old, it accounts for 7% of the total population, which means that the population of this country or region is in an aging society.

2.Interesting points
  Family education is very important. The family is the basic cell of society and the first school in life. No matter how much change in the times, no matter how much the life pattern changes, we must attach importance to family building, pay attention to family, pay attention to family education, pay attention to family style, closely combine to cultivate and carry forward the core values of socialism, carry forward the traditional family virtues of the Chinese nation, and promote family harmony. Promote loved ones and love each other, promote the healthy growth of the next generation, promote the elderly to support, and make thousands of families an important basis for national development, national progress, and social harmony.
  In today's society, aging is increasing. This caused some problems. For example, the social burden is aggravated. The elderly have a strong demand for health care and life services. In addition, what other problems caused by aging can be thought of? What is the impact?

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