Saturday, November 10, 2018

Family and Aging / Week 13 / Angela Wibowo

Family and Aging / Week 13 / Angela Wibowo
Summary :
            Now  we will talk about family. Family has so many variation in it. In general, family can be defined as domestic group of people, or number of domestic group linked through descent from a common ancestor, marriage, adoption, or some other committed relationship. There are variations of family in each other country, and the tradition. It depends on the culture that country or province have, and can be changed as times goes by. There are some family theories, there are the function of families and sociobiology of families. Based on the article, the function of families are, orientation (locate children socially, and plays a major role in their socialization), and procreation (to produce and socialize children). The family life cycle are courtship (dating period before marriage), marriage (governmentally, socially, and religiously recognized interpersonal relationship, usually intimate and sexual, created as a form of contract), divorce, death and widowing.
            Family life cycle is related with aging. When we talk about aging, we’re not just talk about aging in biological way, but we are talk about social maturation too. Based on the article, aging is a complex process, and have the standards that shift within and between historical and cultural periods. The life span cycle of human life are infancy, toddler, childhood, adolescence, young adult, prime adulthood, middle age, and old age. There is a term called ageism, is a prejudice on the grounds of age.
What was interesting / what did you learn ?
I learn something about family and aging. It is so interesting because I have learned this material in my home university, but I just learn it in biological way, and behavior, but not in sociological way and society so I found it interesting for me.
Disscussion :
            I want to ask one thing about the aging, when someone become old age, will they be more mature? Because I have some experience and see that the old lady or guy become more childish and stubborn, is it still mature? What is your opinion? Can this possibly happen?

1 comment:

  1. From my perspective and personal opinion, I think that someone's age doesn't equal the mentality that they have. It is all based on the environment that person's live and grew up in.
