Friday, November 30, 2018

Extra Posting / Can we see some geographical patterns? Can we try to explain them? / Lee JaeSeong

Q.Can we see some geographical patterns? Can we try to explain them?
Overall, the index of gender equality is low in countries where economic growth is slow or where economic growth is rapid. Most countries in Africa, such as South America and North Korea, have experienced or experienced war, but have made rapid economic progress since.

Extra Posting / Is there ethnic cleansing or genocide happening today? If so, where? / Lee JaeSeong

Q. Is there ethnic cleansing or genocide happening today? If so, where?

It should be, but I think it will be smaller than in the past. Ethnic cleansing is done mainly by nationalism. However, in today's society, the meaning of the nation is not that great. It is another matter to get along well with other peoples, but it is difficult to see a country deport or commit genocide because they are at least different. I think ethnic cleansing and massacres rarely occur in modern society where individualism is stronger than nationalism.

Week 13 / Family / Lee JaeSeong

Changes in the U.S. Governing and Divorce Index
Source :

1.      Summary
A family is a network that most people have. This chapter questions the basic concepts of these families. Generally, a family means a common ancestor, marriage, adoption or a committed relationship. However, a group of groups, orphans or fugitives made up of groups, soldiers, including pets, are also considered family types.
 Birth families (families seeking parental roles) play a role in socializing children. Nonproductive families (family based on desires and desires that do not include parent roles) combine resources to promote interpersonal support networks and seek financial benefits. Also, pro-religious taboos play a role in promoting social solidarity.
 The life cycle of a family can be divided into stages of marriage, marriage, children, divorce, death and widows. Marriage means a traditional dating period before marriage. In Britain, the average length of time from marriage to marriage was suggested for two years and 11 months.
 Marriage is made in the form of a contract because it is a relationship that is perceived by a friendly and sexual government, society or religion.
 At the children's level, they talk about one parent's family. Previous research has been attributed to the fact that one parent's family is poorer and poorer than the other. Recently, children also lost their autonomy in public places outside their homes. (e.g. Park is not allowed to be alone.)
 In the United States, a number of studies have been made on why 50 percent of marriages end in divorce within 25 years. Another factor contributing to the divorce rate was a change in the law that made divorce easier in the 1970s in the United States.
 Finally, if one of the wedding partners dies, the other partner can remarry. A spouse who lives longer than any other spouse is called a widow or widower.
There is inequality in these families. Sexually, marriage benefits a lot from men's lifestyle. Racially, recently, has allowed interracial marriages. Religiously, some societies still need formal approval from religious and civic groups. 
 Recently, there have been many different types of families, including a single parent without a parent, a cohabitation that acts as if they were married without a single parent, a homosexual couple, and a childless parent.

2. What was interesting/What did we learn
 The most interesting parts of this chapter were the marriage index and divorce index in the United States. The change in the U.S. was truly remarkable when the "unfavorable divorce" Act of 1970. The marriage index continued to decline slowly, and vice versa. There have been many articles on divorce in our country recently. The divorce rate continues to rise despite still poor perceptions of people who have divorced. You can even see people who are legally divorced and continue to meet. Already socially, marriage and divorce have become the common and easy thing for couples to meet and break up.

3.Discussion Point
 Let's make a hypothesis. You're married. Some of them were born with him. However, their personalities are not very compatible. Will you continue your marriage in order to avoid your child being criticized socially? Or will they divorce and move away from their spouses? If so, what will your child do?

Week13/ Family/ MinSeung Sung

1. Summary
  Most people have a network of family. Here we will learn about the structure and definition of a family. How has the meaning of a traditional family changed so far? And I want to find out how the concept of the family came about.
Defining the concept of a family is a new thing that only began today. There are many different types of family types in modern society. Cats, homosexuals, and single families. This format has a dominant figure in the United States.
In some countries, the function of a family is to produce and socialize children. Having no children does not mean having a function as a family. These families have social, economic, emotional and supportive networks.
In the socio-biological sense, families often ban incestuous relationships.

2. Interesting

  The most interesting thing was 'Courtship' in family theory. I usually thought that family meaning is after marriage, but I could see that the wider range of family theory is explained. It is a traditional concept and it means a couple who have not married yet. It is defined more broadly in modern society. All the activities of a lover making light contact through his or her cell phone and giving gifts are included in 'Courtship.'


  The meaning of family has changed from the past to the modern world. The basic meaning has not been lost, but more diverse forms have emerged. Then, I wonder what new types of family will be in the future.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Extra posting / What do we learn through playing with gendered toys? / Hyejeong Sohn

Q. What toys are marketed for boys, and what for girls? What do we learn through playing with gendered toys?

Women play with toys that are considered feminine from a young age, such as dolls, cosmetics, and tableware. They dress themselves up, decorate their house, and cook for themselves. And the toys are mostly pink. So women naturally learn activities that are considered feminine from an early age. Men play with toys that are considered socially masculine, such as cars and sword fights. Playing with these things, they learn to be loud, brave, and proud. Boys are also learning to be naturally masculine by playing with toys. By playing with these gender-separated toys, children are learning to play the role of gender that is traditionally distinct from themselves.

Extra Posting / Can you explain why gender stratification is so serious in the international gender difference report? / Hyejeong Sohn

Q. Can you explain why gender stratification is so serious in the international gender difference report? 

Traditionally, men have always been more active in social advancement than women, and women have always been discriminated against. Recently, there has been a vigorous campaign to increase women's rights. However, women are still less likely to enter society than men, and most of the high-ranking positions are still occupied by men. This phenomenon is culturally entrenched. This phenomenon is taken for granted and natural. Therefore, more effort and longer time will be needed to change this cultural phenomenon.

Extra Posting - Women don't get promoted. why? / hyejeong Sohn

Q. Women don't get promoted. why? 

In the past, women were never given opportunities for education or employment. However, women's rights have increased in recent years. As a result, the opportunity for women to enter society has increased. However, women are still limited in their social advancement compared to men. It seems to be about giving birth to a woman. The birth of women is not recognized by society. Therefore, the company finds the woman who gave birth uncomfortable. So women are fired very easily after marriage and childbirth. Also traditionally, childcare has been regarded as the role of women. As a result, it is difficult to work socially because only women carry a burden on their child.

Family / Week13 / HanBin Bae

A family is a social unit consisting of a couple and their children, and it is also the most basic unit of society. If a family is defined this way, it is almost universal in all societies, such as in the case of marriage. Like many other concepts used in social science, however, it is difficult for families to have strict definitions that apply to different social cases in a comparative culture. A family is defined as "a community of people who live together and are characterized by economic cooperation and the production of children." This definition is consistent with the definition of a family that we usually think of. In other words, the members of a family make up a family, live together, act as an economic cooperative, and give birth to a child through a socially recognized sexual relationship.

The current trend seems to be that many people think marriage is an unconditional choice. So, why do single men and women think of "unmarriage" rather than "marriage"? When asked why they thought of marrying single men and women who were not married, 68.3 percent said they wanted to live freely in both work and personal life. These answers were highest for both single men and single women. Next, some single men said they thought about their non-marriage because they wanted to live more and more financially.
As mentioned above, why are people increasingly not getting married? Do you think it will be difficult to invest time/expenses for me after marriage? Is it burdensome to have and raise children? Are you used to and satisfied with your current life? I think there are so many reasons that I think it is the responsibility of the country to create the society. So what should society do to encourage marriage?

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Extra Posting - Women don't get promoted. why? / HanBin Bae

1. The wages of each worker are determined by factors such as personal ability, education, career, etc. The differences exist between men and women. It is said that women's education is traditionally lower than men's, and that in world history, women's education and careers will be lower than men's.

2. The education level of women and men is almost the same these days. So another reason was the career break due to the birth and childrearing of women. Even if women and men enter the company at the same time, men can continue their careers, but women often lose their careers when they are given birth or child. Recently, many systems such as paternity leave were introduced to solve this problem, but the data was not well reflected because of the early introduction. Even if you return to work, the wage difference between men who have been in the workforce is natural.

3. Another reason that has been consistently raised academically is that there is a gender wage gap because women work relatively in jobs where there is no opportunity for promotion or training.

As mentioned in number two, women often lose their careers because they quit their jobs because of childcare or childbirth. If you jump into the labor market again, you will mainly be engaged in low-paying or irregular-paying jobs that have limited chances of promotion.

Extra Posting / Can you explain why gender stratification is so serious in the international gender difference report? / 배찬형 Bae Chanhyeong

Q. Can you explain why gender stratification is so serious in the international gender difference report?

A. In the table above, we describe the country as having a lot of gender stratification. In this country, women are less involved in politics and economy because of the low proportion of women in high-ranking officials of politicians and companies. Also, due to Confucian culture, patriarchal ideas still remain. For example, one of the idioms is the idiom 'Guan Jemi.' It is a idiom that means holding the table high in line with your eyebrows. It is a lion's adult word that has a Confucian tradition of his wife serving her husband. With the influence of Confucian ideas, some people think gender stratification is serious because they are still making such claims.

Extra posting - Can we try to expand them? / sukyung song

Can we try to expand them?

 In the East and the West, there seems to be a lot of gender discrimination in the East. In the West, there is less gender discrimination in the United States, Australia, and some European countries. And in some countries in Africa where people's civic growth is relatively slow, gender discrimination seems very severe. I think the reason why sexual discrimination occurs in the East is because of the patriarchal ideas that have been handed down from the past. And I think religion is the reason why sexism is so prominent in the Middle East.

week 13 / Family & Aging / Juhes Cha

1. Summary
  There are so many variations in "family" today that it is difficult to define exactly what a family is. Family structure traditionally depends on the relationship between a parent and a child, the relationship between a spouse, the long-term relationship, or the relationship of everything above. As a result, families vary widely around the world according to culture.Given these capabilities, family experiences change over time. From a child's point of view, the family is an orientation family. Families find children socially and play an important role in socialization. From a parent's point of view, the family is a family of childbirth.
  Aging (often written as aging) is a biological and social process in which humans experience and achieve biological and social maturity. Human life is often divided into the following ages: Early
It is divided into infants, childhood, adolescence, young adults, adulthood, middle age and old age. The expected activities of other age groups are socially structured and related to culture.

2.Interesting point
  I thought marriage between brothers and sisters was forbidden in every society. However, there were exceptions to the ancient Egyptian, Hawaiian, and Inca dynasties.It was also interesting to note that the number of children born to unmarried mothers is increasing over time, and many of these children were born to cohabiting women.
  There is a graph showing that women live longer than men. There are some reasons behind this. For example, men act more dangerous than women and reduce their average life span. Men also "success" when attempting suicide, and increase the rate of death among suicide men. Another factor that can contribute to a woman's average life span is a different type of trend in men and women's lives. Other biological factors are likely to play a role in improving heart health in women. Finally, recent research and meta-analysis show that the two main factors in this relationship include men's occupational risk reduction and women's greater willingness to pursue health care. It was interesting that these causes resulted in women living longer than men.

3.Discussion point
Why are people avoiding marriage and the birth rate falling? And what kind of effort will it take to raise it again?

Extra posting/ Why do you think South Korea places so high on this ranking?/ ji eun Bang

Q. Why do you think South Korea places so high on this ranking?

A. Korea's suicide rate is high because it is a competitive society. There are many ways of competing. Our country is seeking speed, which means we are losing our time. And society is hard. People become uninterested in others because they live up to the social framework. There are few active systems or facilities to treat depression. 

14 week / Demography / Hyejeong Sohn

1. Summary

Population statistics refer to studies of population size and structure, distribution and birth, death, migration and aging. Population statistics are used to describe various social phenomena. Demographers are interested in changing the population of society. Therefore, they study the relationship between population change and social change. Recently, there has been a growing population worldwide. The development of hygiene, medical science, and abundant supply of food are the reasons. Overpopulation refers to a population that is beyond the acceptability of nature. This overpopulation causes a variety of problems and therefore a solution is needed. Urbanization is also a phenomenon in which the population of the country is concentrated in urban areas. Because cities have a variety of amenities and opportunities, the population of cities occurs all over the world. However, this phenomenon also has side effects. There is a lack of work force due to the city's heat island problems or a decrease in the rural population.

2. Interesting

It was interesting that the population distribution worldwide was similar. While birthrates have been high and infant mortality has been high in the past, birthrates have declined and infant mortality has decreased in recent years. This is not just a phenomenon of our country, but something that is commonly found all over the world. Despite the diverse history of each country and the diverse channels of historical development, these demographic trends are common. Although the nation is more serious, in many countries these days, there are concerns about the declining birthrate.

3. Discussion

Will population policy always work?

Family / Week13 / Hyejeong Sohn

1. Summary

Traditionally, family form was defined as parents and children. But over time, a variety of families emerge, and there are movements to recognize them. Recently, there has been a movement for single-parent families and gay marriage. Single parents often have financial difficulties. This is also due to social prejudice and discrimination. There are also an increasing number of countries that recognize homosexual families and legalize gay marriage.
The family is essentially responsible for the function of reproduction. And it plays a very basic role in socializing children. The family contributes to society by producing and socializing individuals that are members of society. 
Traditionally, women have been discriminated against in the formation of families. Women have also been deprived of their social skills by losing their jobs or their financial abilities. The traditional marriage system has been shaped in favor of men rather than women. 

2. Interesting

It is moving towards recognizing the diverse forms of family. In the past, there was a clear distinction between normal and non-normal families. Therefore, families who did not fall into the normal category had many difficulties and were discriminated against. However, recently they have been given the opportunity to live a stable life, recognizing all the different types of families. It seems that positive changes are taking place as society changes.

3. Discussion

If we recognize various types of families, how far should we go with family recognition?

Extra posting/ What's the meanig of yellow ribbon?/ ji eun Bang

Q. What's the meanig of yellow ribbon?

A. It is a symbol that wives and families with husbands participating in the war in the U.S. tied yellow ribbons to trees and waited for safe return.In Korea, a yellow ribbon campaign began in hopes of a safe return of hundreds of missing people after the sinking of the ferry near Jindo on April 16, 2014. The yellow ribbon with the phrase "One small movement is a great miracle" spread to a national campaign.

Week 13/Family/Yerim Han /한예림

1. summary
It is difficult to define a family accurately because there are too many variations in it. In general, we think of our family as a domestic group or as a common parent, marriage or adoption relationship. Society accepts more and more changes in family form. Examples include a group of pets, homosexuals, orphans or fugitives who share their homes. The structure of a family depends greatly on the culture. In the past, intermarriage between group or clan was often political and strategic, but dissolution of marriage was not a serious problem. That's because the responsibilities for marriage were not so high. The development of an agricultural-based society has transformed the nature of marriage and the pattern of families formed around it, and marriage has become one of the central institutions that form economic and political relationships with the emergence of a static society.

2.What I interesting...
I just thought the family was a non-selectable being, but I was surprised that the family's transformation allowed me to accept a selective family. I also learned that the family style varies according to culture. Although I was aware that divorce rates have increased these days, I was very surprised to hear that 50 percent of couples end up divorcing in less than 25 years in the United States. This is also due to changes in laws that made divorce easier, and the increased participation of women in labor makes it easier for women to decide divorce if they think it is actually a bad marriage because of increased financial security.

There are still many negative views on divorce in our country. What should we do to improve this?

Extra posting/ Is Korea becoming multiethnic?/ ji eun Bang

Q. Is Korea becoming multiethnic?

A. Korea becoming multiethnic. Since the 1990s, many foreign workers have entered Korea as the nation's economy has grown rapidly. In addition, international marriage has increased significantly due to globalization, and since 2002, the ratio of international marriage has reached 10 percent among all marriages in Korea. That graph is a foreign number that lives in Korea except for foreigners who stay illegally.

14 week / Demography / Kang SeoJong

1. summary

Population statistics is the study of population dynamics. It includes studies of population size, structure, and distribution and how birth, death, migration, and aging change the population over time.
Demographic analysis of population statistics is a powerful tool to explain many sociological phenomena.
The study of the human population is rooted in social changes, which generally involve the scientific and industrial revolutions. Census, another demographic academic tool, was established primarily for political purposes. It was used as a basis for taxation or as a basis for political representation.
In addition, because demographics are interested in changing the human population, demographers focus on specific indicators of change.
Overpopulation refers to the overpopulation of living species exceeding the acceptability of ecological niches. Characteristics of overpopulation include child poverty, high birth rate, reduced life expectancy, unfamiliar literacy, increased unemployment (especially cities), small surplus foods, low GDP per capita, and gradually increasing crime rates. The solution to this overpopulation is called the Earth's role. Considering that the Earth will naturally regulate itself if it is excessive with the ecosystem, it can be said that disease or starvation is a natural argument to reduce the population. Also, there are solutions to overpopulation, which provide a combination of help aimed at self-sufficiency.
Urbanization is the physical growth of urban areas as a result of global change. The reason for urbanization is to move to cities and find economic opportunities. There are also basic services that are not available in rural areas, as well as other specialized services in urban areas.
As cities develop, economic effects increase, but environmental effects are both good and bad. As cities become urbanized, there are also problems that cause more heat waves such as heat islands in cities. However, the effects of urbanization can have a positive impact on the overall environment, which could aid overpopulation and halt disruptive livelihoods such as slashing and video farming. It also wants to minimize land use by humans, leaving more for nature.

2. interesting point

The story of 'Cityization' was interesting. Perhaps I was more interested in this era of living because urbanization was active and already much advanced. What I found most interesting was that urbanization had a positive effect on the environmental effects. I always thought that urbanization was a problem of global warming or environmental pollution. However, urbanization reduces the birth rate, preventing overpopulation and halting destructive livelihoods such as slashes and video farming. It also said it would minimize the use of land by humans, leaving more for nature. The first two points were understood, but the phrase "minimizing land use at the end" was not understood, especially since Korea is small in land, so it tries to use land and cuts mountains to create tunnels or flat land. I think this is a damage to nature. So I thought the final words were different from the urbanization of Korea.


I object to urbanization happening only in part. That's why South Korea is also trying to develop Sejong City and move its major industries to provinces. I also think that if Korean companies are not concentrated in Seoul but spread across Korea, unemployment will decrease. Most young people are trying to get jobs in Seoul or Gyeonggi Province, so they think the competition and unemployment rate increase. So I think it would be nice to have urbanization more distributed. What do other people think?

13 week / Aging / Kang SeoJong

1. summary

Aging is a biological and social process in which humans experience and achieve biological and social maturity levels. Human life can be divided into early, early childhood, childhood, youth, short adult, adulthood, middle age, and old age. There is discrimination by age. There are many restrictions on the assumption that teenagers cannot get themselves involved. For example, one cannot smoke without the right to vote or legally drink in an election. They are also unable to hold public office and decide whether they can marry or not. The restriction depends on the idea that young people lack the maturity needed to make important progress. Another reason why young people are treated differently is in corporate marketing practices. This is because most young people have little money and live under the care of their parents. Discrimination among young people is mainly a behavioral restriction, but discrimination against old people ranges from behavioral restrictions to physical abuse. There are about two million cases of senior abuse and self-defense in the United States each year. Older adults also often have stereotypes and think that they are inflexible and tend to be conservative over time. However, this is not true and older people are good at changing their opinions and often turn tolerant as they get older.

2. interesting point

It was new that the old man was actually adept and tolerant of changing his views.
I actually thought the elderly would think conservative as the nation's conservatives usually consist of the elderly. I also thought that I would act to stick to the old days, making it difficult to adapt to the times that change too quickly. But it was a totally different outcome than I thought. So I think it's probably because a lot of experience is backed up when I think about why an old man is actually good at changing his views. I have experienced so much in my life that I will learn something from it and have wisdom, not knowledge that increases. I also have a lot of experience, so I think I have a tolerance for new work.

3. discuss

What do you think about the young people's (adolescent) drugs? I actually think that teenagers should be given the right to vote. I think we should have the right to vote when we are old enough to articulate our opinions. Because young people lose interest in politics more and more over time, I think they should be responsible and alert to the right from an early age and show how important it is to conduct elections.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Social Movements / Week12 / Kwon Ah Yeon

1. summary 

 Social movement is a movement that the public and citizens voluntarily participate in to change and improve existing social structures and systems. This movement is organized, assembled and continuous. 
 There are four areas of social movement: a democratic movement for political rights, a work-related labor movement, an environmental movement on environmental issues, and a peace movement. 
 Several theories exist to explain how social movements develop. Deformation Theory, Mass-Society Theory, Structural-Strain Theory, Resource-Mobilization Theory, and Political Process Theory and Culture. 
 Social movements are not big, but environmental movements and green movements we do to protect the ecosystem are also part of social movements. Homosexuality, vegetarianism, and anti-nuclear movements are all social movements.

2. What is interesting  

 It was interesting that social movements could cause reactions. In the 1960s and 1970s, the women's movement took place as the perception of inequality in women grew. However, many opposition movements also took place to prevent the goals of the women's movement. The crusade in the Conservative religion was the opposition.

3. Discussion Point

 How can we tell the outcome of a social movement? What indicators show the success and failure of a social movement? And what does it mean to be successful?

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Extra Posting / What toys are marketed for gender? / 배찬형 Bae Chanhyeong

Q. What toys are marketed for boys, and what for girls?

A. I think there are no toys for boys or girls. Because of the stereotypes people have made, it is strongly believed that pink is for girls and blue is for boys. We also learn the gender roles and stereotypes society generally expects from childhood through these toys.

Extra posting/boys and girls like what kind of toys/Zhang Peiyao

Boys like toy cars, toy guns, sports.
Girls like rag dolls, jumping rubber bands, makeup classes.
The color of the toys that boys like is black and blue. The girls are mostly pink and white.
Dark colors are stronger and warmer than warm colors. Just like a boy, everyone wants him to be mature, strong and strong. Can protect girls. And girls are gentle and kind.
But initially this phenomenon came from the promotion methods of toy manufacturers.

Family / Week13 / sukyung Song


1. Summary

-Define terms
 The traditional family image consists of parents and children, but it is also in various forms, including adoption, to other genetically related individuals. Different families have different cultures and family characteristics change over time.

- Function of family
 The birth, which can be seen as the main function of a family, functions as a reproduction of society. Parents play a role in socializing their children. It also acts as a legal parent and can pass on property. 
 In other cases, there is an unproductive family based on parentless desires. It combines resources to promote social, economic, emotional and personal relationships and to pursue financial gains.

- Family life cycle
 A family can be seen as a result of marriage - marriage - childbirth - (divorce) - death.

- Family inequality
  Gender inequality: heterosexual marriages raise women's social status, but men benefit a lot from lifestyle. For example, women manage the finances of households, but men usually control the money. Women experience inequality when they get married and lose their jobs. 

  Racial inequality: Society demands interracial marriages. 

  Inequality in religion: People who marry usually pursue social awareness of their relationships, and there are marriages that receive formal religious approval.

- New Family Types
 Single parent families: Prior to the late 19th and early 20th centuries, nuclear families became social norms in most Western countries as spouses died more frequently. But the imprisonment of the Dunn family, considered the most common standard of the 20th century, no longer a practical norm. However, the reality is that one parent often suffers from financial difficulties.

  Cohabitation: A close relationship that exists without legal, cultural, religious sanctions or benefits. It can be seen as an alternative form of marriage. East or marriage both have pros and cons.

  Homosexuality: In recent years, gay marriage has been legalized in many countries.

2. Interacting

  We are living in the form of a family as if it were obvious. And the ordinary form is made up of a mother, a father, or a child, and when any of these are missing or added, people are noticed. 

  Although this was severe in the past, today there are many different types of families, so you can see other types of families understand each other. 
  It was time to wonder what made society develop.

3. Discussion

  Are you for/against legalizing gay marriage? Then, why?

extra posting / What toys are marketed for boys, and what for girls? / hayoung lee 이하영

Q. What toys are marketed for boys, and what for girls? What do we learn through playing with gendered toys?

A. When children go to a toy store, most boys see toys such as Lego and car games, and girls see toys of house chores or dolls. So naturally, boys learn to play more active and mobile, and girls learn to play sensitive and quiet. So we even divide toys by gender and acquire a bias against gender.

Extra posting / What do we learn through playing with gendered toys? / Heo SeonYeong 허선영

What do we learn through playing with gendered toys?

The problem is that many girlfriends like to play gun games, but adults around them shouldn't. Adults naturally buy dolls for girls and guns and robots for boys. That is the world they have lived in. If their daughter likes gun games, she may be worried. But this is what makes children learn the wrong gender concepts. Bad customs keep going down.

Extra posting / What do we learn through playing with gendered toys? / Kwon Ah Yeon

  Q : What toys are marketed for boys, and what for girls? What do we learn through playing with gendered toys?

  A : Girls usually played with non-dynamic toys of the pink line. Boys played with toys of a blue line of dynamic, rather violent nature. I think it is very dangerous to instill these stereotypes into children at an early age. Even if a girl wants to have a Excavator Playset, the toy cannot be easily brought up because it is stereotyped as a exclusive possession of boys. I think toy companies should give up this stereotype because these "gender tunes" develop a sense of gender in the future.

Extraposting/ What toys are marketed for boys, and what for girls? What do we learn through playing with gendered toys? / Jungah Kim 김정아

Q : What toys are marketed for boys, and what for girls?
What do we learn through playing with gendered toys? 

Generally, cars or sward toys are marketed for boys. Cooking or make up toys are marketed for girls.
This toys make children to establish their sex identity. But as the time goes, the boundary of the toys
between boys and girls are decreasing, and sex identity is being more free to children.

Aging / Week13 / sukyung Song


1. Summary

-Define terms
 Aging is a biological and social process in which humans experience and achieve biological and social maturity levels. It can be seen as subjective sociological, intertwined with relatively objective biological and social standards. What is coming up is the aging society.

- Lifetime
 Infancy - Toddler - Childhood - Adolescence - Young add - Primary add-on - Middle age - Old age

- Age and income
 Retired people are allowed to keep their living by distributing taxes to the elderly.

- Age and gender
 There were differences in aging process such as heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality, and transsexuality. Although most are based on socially established heterosexuality, the minority group is experiencing life processes in significantly different ways and often includes mature social life.

- Age and race
 Black seniors are more likely to be physically and psychologically abused, and white seniors are more likely to suffer from financial exploitation. Ethnic minorities generally feel less educated, less financial resources, and less health care.

- Global aging
 Human life expectancy is on the rise worldwide. Most are over 65. However, the pace of aging is not consistent among countries, and the life expectancy of advanced countries is higher.

- Ageing and health
 It is important to maintain a positive attitude in order to stay healthy for a long time in old age. This is because older adults with positive attitudes behave less dangerously and have lower levels of stress.

2. Interacting

 Korea's aging population is at a critical level. In the future, income redistribution will be more difficult as older people are far more likely to rise than younger people. The government must solve social problems arising from an unstoppable aging process.
 The aging of America was interesting. Because of the wide continent, the aging process was different from state to state. The U.S. government felt it had to come up with different policies from state to state.

3. Discussion

 What do you think is the biggest reason why our country has become an aging society?

Extra posting/ Is there ethnic cleansing or genocide happening today? If so, Where? / 배찬형 Bae Chanhyeong

Q. Is there ethnic cleansing or genocide happening today? If so, Where?

A. Until recently, ethnic cleansing and genocide have continued. As an example, in 2017, the military massacred Rohingya tribe and raped them collectively. Myanmar is a country of about 130 ethnic minorities. Relations between the two races in separating some of these ethnic groups from ethnic separatist policies, and decades of constant conflict between Rohingya tribe and the government led to ethnic clashes, the Burmese military said.

Extra posting : Is there ethnic cleansing or genocide happening today? If so, where? / Kiara Juliane Annisa

One of the most talked genocide issue by the world today are the genocide of Rohingya ethnic by Myanmar military. The issue was highlighted in the late 2016 when the military started to killed rohingya ethnic people. Rohingya ethnic itself origin from burma who resides in Rakhine, Myanmar (previously burma). United nation already appointed this issue as a genocide but the leader of Myanmar, Aung Sang Suu Kyi, still denied to call this a genocide and keep silent about this issue. Rohingya people are started to move to save themselves to the neighboring country such as thailand, bangladesh, malaysia, and Indonesia. Thus why this issue is especially noticed in my country. 

Extra Posting / Is there ethnic cleansing or genocide happening today? If so, where? / 김성희 Kim Seonghui

Q. Is there ethnic cleansing or genocide happening today? If so, where?

1. Rohingya massacre in Rakhine, northwestern Myanmar

The Rohingya people are Muslims in Myanmar, a Buddhist country. However, most people believe that the Rohingya are illegal immigrants and terrorists from Bangladesh. Up to 3,000 people have been killed and at least 270,000 have been displaced as displaced.
The persecution of the Lorraine in Myanmar is not just a history of the past year. This is a cumulative history of ethnic cleansing conducted five to six times from 1978, 1991 to 1992, 2016 and 2017.

2. Christians and Muslims in the Central African Republic
Race conflicts have rapidly spread since the war itself began to abate in 2016, and many are concerned that a massacre could take place between the anti-caram and Muslim groups.

Stephen O'Brien, head of U.N. humanitarian affairs, said recent killings and ethnic cleansing have been on the rise.

"This step is very realistic," O'Brien reported in a briefing. "We are looking at things we haven't heard of in a long time. There is a very deep national purification approach.

Extra posting / is there ethnic cleansing or genocide happening today? if so, where? / Heo SeonYeong 허선영

is there ethnic cleansing or genocide happening today? if so, where?

Last year, Myanmar's government forces conducted a 'racial cleaning' in Maungto, Lakine, Bangladesh and the border city of Bangladesh, the main stronghold of the Rhodes. Although it has been known that it has resulted in tens of thousands of refugees and thousands of deaths, Myanmar's ruling party refused to name it ethnic cleansing. But I think this is a clear ethnic cleansing.

week13/Blog assignment/Family&Aging/Zhang Peiyao

  Family refers to the social life unit formed by relatives on the basis of marital relationship, blood relationship or adoption relationship. Family is a kind of happy life. The family has a broad and narrow sense. The narrow sense refers to the social unit composed of monogamy; the broad sense refers to the various family interest groups or families at different stages of human evolution.From the perspective of social setting, the family is one of the most basic social settings, and it is the most basic and important system and group form of human beings.
The aging of the population refers to the dynamic growth of the proportion of the elderly population caused by the decrease in the population fertility rate and the increase in the life expectancy of the elderly as a result of the decrease in the number of young people and the increase in the number of elderly people.
Two meanings: one refers to the relatively increasing number of elderly people, and the proportion of the total population is rising; the second is that the social demographic structure is old and enters an aging society. The international view is that when a country or region has a population of 10% or more of the total population, or an elderly population over 65 years old, it accounts for 7% of the total population, which means that the population of this country or region is in an aging society.

2.Interesting points
  Family education is very important. The family is the basic cell of society and the first school in life. No matter how much change in the times, no matter how much the life pattern changes, we must attach importance to family building, pay attention to family, pay attention to family education, pay attention to family style, closely combine to cultivate and carry forward the core values of socialism, carry forward the traditional family virtues of the Chinese nation, and promote family harmony. Promote loved ones and love each other, promote the healthy growth of the next generation, promote the elderly to support, and make thousands of families an important basis for national development, national progress, and social harmony.
  In today's society, aging is increasing. This caused some problems. For example, the social burden is aggravated. The elderly have a strong demand for health care and life services. In addition, what other problems caused by aging can be thought of? What is the impact?