Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Extra Posting / What's the meaning of Yellow ribbon? / 김성희 Kim Seonghui

Q. What's the meaning of Yellow ribbon?

A. The meaning of the yellow ribbon means a safe return. The ribbon was widely used in Korea after the Sewol ferry disaster. The ribbon was widely known to the public in hopes that the missing persons in the accident would return safely.

The yellow ribbon symbolized "Safely Return" first came from the song "She was wearing a yellow ribbon" made in Europe around the 4th century. The song tells the story of a woman wearing a yellow ribbon in hopes that her lover will return safely. The song will then spread to the United States through European Pilgrims who moved to the New World.

One reason why yellow ribbons have become so popular in the U.S. is that they are titled "Going Home," published by novelist and columnist Pete Hammill in the New York Post. A prisoner before his release from prison wrote a letter to his wife. Having no courage to face his wife's face, he asked her to put a yellow ribbon on the oak tree in front of her house if she forgave her. His wife, who had been waiting for him with all her heart, had a yellow ribbon all over the town, and her husband shed tears of emotion after his release from prison. Tony Orlando and Don's song "Tie a yellow ribbon on an old oak tree" became even more popular in the U.S. and England in 1973.

In 1979, the Islamic Revolution that overthrew the Peleby dynasty in Iran led to the capture of more than 50 Americans working at the U.S. Embassy in Iran. A diplomat's wife hung a yellow ribbon from a tree in front of her house in hopes that her husband would return home safely, and as the news became known, a yellow ribbon campaign was launched throughout the U.S. The yellow ribbon was used as a symbol of hope that the U.S. soldiers who left the Gulf War and the Iraq War would return safely.

The song 'Tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree':

The article:

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