Sunday, November 11, 2018

Extra posting: Why do you think South Korea places so high on this ranking?/ Kiara Juliane Annisa

I think South Korea places relatively high on the list because the demand of work and society pressure. The society tend to expect them to be the best in every aspect. And the fact that their working and study hour is really long also append to the stress they’ve been feeling. I also heard that the competition between student and workers is really extreme. The curriculum they have in here is also really hard and the study hour is also long. Eventually all of those stress will started to pile up and explode in a form of suicide. Another reason is in most Asian countries depression and stressed tend to be brushed off, this is makes people afraid to ask for help from a professional and keep all of it to themselves. In my country we also do have that kind of pressure among the society but our family wouldn't force us to be the best, they tend to make us go on our own pace. 

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