Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Gender / week10 / sukyung song

1. Summary

 -Sex & Gender
  Sex is first the distinction between biological magnets with anatomical features of the body.
  human biology is far more complex than this typology allows, and as a result, there are many genetic variations that are left out of these classification schemes.  Further, most people are not genetically examined at birth, and standards for assigning people to male and female sexes are not uniform across social, situational, or historical contexts - generally, a doctor makes the decision as to what sex the child is, and the child is listed as such regardless of what genetic testing or other biological criteria might reveal.

  Gender is organized historically, socially and culturally. 
  Similar to "Sex," Gender is a socially constructed interpretation of human behavior patterns. Specifically, gender refers to the ascription (by self or others) of differential social statuses based upon shared understandings of what constitutes masculine and/or feminine behavior. As such, gender typically involves two interrelated components built upon the acceptance or rejection of societal norms concerning masculinities and femininities. First, gender may refer to an internal feeling that one is a male, female, both, neither, and/or somewhere in between or beyond these categories. Because gender is dependent upon behavioral expectations and norms, once individuals know those expectations and norms, the individual can adopt behaviors that project the gender he/she wishes to portray.

- Biological difference
 Women and men differ in various areas such as the brain, sex chromosomes, behavior and age.

-Social and psychological differences
 It means different society, environment, history, and culture. It is said to stand out especially in jobs and education.

-Sexual discrimination
 Gender discrimination is divided into four main beliefs and attitudes:
(1) The belief that there are only two sexes.
(2) The belief that one sex is superior to the others.
(3) The belief that men and women (as well as other genders) are very different and that this should be strongly reflected in society, language, the right to have sex, and the law.
(4) It can also refer to simple hatred of men (misandry) or women (misogyny) or trans people (transphobia).

2. Interesting

  Discrimination appears in a variety of areas, including culture, race, ethnicity, gender and politics. I think it comes from not recognizing each other's differences. But I don't think people can stop discrimination because they are different. In particular, discrimination against sex is difficult to reduce. However, I think that discrimination is bad and that it is good to recognize and respect differences.

3. Discussion

 It hasn't been long since the concept of gender equality came up, knowing that what had been taken for granted was wrong. Currently, gender discrimination problems are becoming hot potatoes all over the world. There has been a lot of gender equality compared to the past, but sexism remains, given that conflicts still persist. Can this be completely resolved? How long does it take if you can solve it?

The above graph shows the world ranking of gender equality. Korea is 117th in red. The longer the bars on the graph above, the more equal. Iceland is ranked first, Poland is second, Norway is third, and Yemen is ranked 143.


  1. I read well. You wrote well. Sex discrimination was caused by the stereotype of social members and the idea that boys who had been around since the Joseon Dynasty were superior. I think the solution is to change that stereotype and protect women's rights and not violate the rights of men. I think men and women should understand and respect each other and live together in harmony and happiness.

    1. Thank you for your reply. I agree with your opinion.
