Saturday, November 10, 2018

Race_and_Ethnicity / week10 / Ami Kim

1.       Summary

Race is the human population physical difference that is thought to be different in one way from another depending on the actual or imagined. Racial classifications are rooted in the concept of human biological classifications according to morphological features such as skin color and facial characteristics. The concept of race began in ancient Egypt and attempts to account for and categorize visible biological differences between people developed with European imperialism and colonization. Some sociologists and biologists argue that race is a social construct. Also, as racial discrimination increases as a valid classification system, many social scientists have begun replacing the word race with the word race. Understanding race as a social component can be explained by examining the racial problems of both the United States and Brazil, where various groups of people, such as Native Americans, African Americans and European Americans, were among them, and over time, were among them. Of course there are biological differences between races. However, racial discrimination is decreasing due to close marriages, so the population's racial classification is only a social structure. The question of race affects society. In particular, artificial babies are seen by many as an insult to basic human dignity and human rights violations. In addition, the expression of racism can be expressed socially and unconsciously through the promotion of inequality through explicit thought, emotion, or behavior. Despite recent studies that have provided evidence for the building of time and space of race and ethnicity, despite recent studies that exist according to racism, various forms of racism are still prevalent in many aspects of society that continue to exist due to racial degradation.

2.       What is interesting / what did you learn

What was impressive was that sociologists and biologists believed that race was a social construct. It was also the part that could be understood as race as a social component of the United States and Brazil. In the United States, white people used black people as slaves and discriminated against them in the past. But I thought it discriminated because white people are the most superior because they look different, or biologically different. However, the article states that race is rather social. They say the criteria for granting membership to a particular species are not related to biology.

3.       Discussion point

Racism is a huge problem, both in the past and now in the present. Foreign countries are punishing people for their racism. But I know that there is no law in our country yet. So, do you think there should be a law about him?

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