Thursday, November 1, 2018

Stratification / Week 9 / Kim hyojun / 김효준

1. summary

Layering is a logical concept that associates a subset of graphical data with a single plot.
For example, when drawing a floor plan for a building, it is difficult to draw a floor plan simultaneously on one screen.
Thus, if each floor is presented independently and at the end of each floor simultaneously, the overall building geometry will be known.
This article describes the layering between humans and humans. It is recorded on how to resolve inequality and describes stratification in capitalist societies.
2. what did you learn?
It is time to think again about layering not only in Korea but also in the world.
Each country was labeled as an advanced country and a developing country, and developed countries were able to prevent development by using environmental pollution as an excuse.
Layering with humans and humans is also a problem, and I think it is really serious.
3. Discussion Point
Do you think of a mass as a stratification?

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