Saturday, November 10, 2018

Week 11/ The cause of war and Conflict theory/ Angela Wibowo

Summary :
            This week we will talk about the cause of war with some perspective approach. There are 7 theories of the cause of war. The first one is historians, that explain about the wars, describing how it happened. The second one is Psychological theories. According to the article, psychologists argued about human behavior that inherently violent, and when the violence repressed in normal society, it need the occasional outlet provided by war, and we can relate it with displacement theory and others. The third one is anthropological theory. The perspective of anthropology is see and analyse the incident in cultural way. The fourth one is sociological theory. This perspective see one incident in society life, using statistical analysis, and others. The fifth one is information theories, that is the approach of using the information about wars and analyse it. The sixth one is economic theories, this is talk about the economic factor, like competitive economic and others. The last one is Marxist theories that is related with economic theories, argued that war grows out of the classwar.
            Now, we will talk about Conflict theory, and there are assumptions about this theory, its about the result of human interaction is conflict, change, competition, structural inequality, degree of inequality, and revolution. The theoriest and term that have role in this theory are Marx, Bumplowicz, Weber, Mills, Feminine Conflict Theory, Postcolonialis, and world system theory, and it has their own argument about this conflict theory. This conflict theory actually has relationship with social stratification, wealth and power inequality, and drug abuse and crime as the examples.
What was interesting / what did you learn ?
            It is interesting to learn this theory and now I got the knowledges about the war and the conflict theory, especially, I notice about the psychological matters have role in the cause of war, and I found it is interesting.
Disscussion :
            With these society condition, is it possible in the future that will have world war 3?


  1. It's a really good post. To answer your discussion point, personally I think it's really possible that a world war 3 would occurs, because as we can see there's already a tension between 2 super power country in an economic sector. It's certainly wouldn't be something impossible if their clash would pervade other aspect too.

  2. Contrast to Kiara Juliane, i believe world war 3 will hardly happens. Even though we have a lot of nuclear-power countries, we have already learnt from our history. Most of the international conflicted was solved by negotiation and discussion. Peace is seen as something really important and there are a lot of countries and international organization will defend it.
