Monday, November 12, 2018

Week 11 / The Causes of War / 김성희 Kim Seonghui

1. Summary
We can look at why war is happening from a number of theories. Historians are reluctant to seek a comprehensive account of all the wars. Psychological theory argues that humans are inherently violent. Anthropology sees war as a fundamental cultural thing learned by parenting. One branch of sociology sees war as a product of domestic circumstances. Information theory argues that war is based on a lack of information. Economic theory begins with the search for new markets, natural resources, and wealth. Marxist theory sees war as an imperial project to strengthen power in the ruling class and divide the proletariat of the world.
2. What did you learn / What was interesting?
A distinct part of the psychological theory of war is the debate based on evolutionary psychology. War tends to be seen as an extension of animal behavior, such as petty problems and competition. In anthropology we see war as a cultural thing learned by parenting. Information theory argues that all wars are based on a lack of information. If the two sides knew at first that the outcome would not be a fight with each other, the loser would surrender and avoid costs in human lives and infrastructure that could lead to war. Marxist theory believes that war is a natural byproduct of free markets and of class systems and will not disappear until the world revolution occurs. It was amazing to see war in so many ways. All theories have logic.
3. Discussion Point
All theory sound like so logical. Which theory do you think is most correct? And why?


  1. I think economic theory is most correct. I think that war is mostly fought by economic interests. Of course, other theories are persuasive enough, but I am most convinced by this theory.

  2. I think information theory is the most logical. Because if we knew all the information, there would be no war. If they know each other's information correctly, they won't start a war because there are some things they fear.
