Saturday, November 17, 2018

Week 11 / Conflict Theory / Soongki Kim

Karl Marx 001.jpg
Karl Marx in 1875

1. Summary
  The components and parts of society are based on the assumption that there is a relationship between conflict and contradiction, and eventually contributes to social change. Therefore, we believe that each element and its parts are justified by the group wishing to maintain the non-conflicting state, or they are latent through coercion and suppression. As such, conflict theory considers conflict between social and cultural phenomena as natural and conflict is changed through dialectic relationships.
 In terms of social stratification, it shows how the upper class authorities work systematically to deprive and exploit the lower classes of rights to maintain and increase their power.
It also causes inequality in wealth and power. One example is the United States. The extreme imbalance in the level of power and wealth present in the United States today exemplifies the core theme of conflict theory, namely class power competition. The effect of the large gap in wealth between social classes in the United States includes many disadvantages for low-income people, such as a lack of access to health care, increased risk of violent crime, reduced educational opportunities, and decreased educational opportunities.

2. What was interesting/What did we learn
 If we look at society from the perspective of conflict theory, it is a society of social stratification and the inequality of wealth and power found in it. But this may be inevitable in a capitalist society. In a capitalist society it is important to have capital. Therefore, it would be natural for a person with a means of production, that is, a person with capital, to have the strongest power.

3.Discussion Point
  Humans have been competing with each other for more scarce resources, and conflict has arisen in the process. Conflict may be a factor that can cause confusion in society, but I think it can also help society change into a better shape by competing with each other.
 Should conflict be perceived as an unconditional negative factor in society?
Rather, isn't there times when society develops or changes positively through the existence of conflict?



1 comment:

  1. I think too much of anything is poisonous. If conflict is appropriate, I think it can find something to learn from it and improve society.
