Saturday, November 17, 2018

Race and Ethnicity/ week10/ minji jeong 정민지

1. Summary

Race is the concept of the biological classification of humans according to their morphological characteristics, such as skin color and facial characteristics. Each race has its own particular social identity, and it is debatable that this identity affects the position of social hierarchy. But race is not just classified by physical characteristics. It is also classified according to the common culture of nationality, tribe, religion, language, etc. 

When we talk about race, we need attention and debate on prejudice and discrimination. You have to be alert to racism. Racism has the mistaken stereotype that race is human ability, and certain races are essentially more depressed or inferior than others. They also argue that individuals should be treated differently according to their racial classification. Racism is a violation of human rights, ignoring human dignity. What we can't overlook is that racism is happening without our knowledge, either personally or structurally.Some of the words that we unconsciously use are racist languages. They're not aware of it, but they're doing it with clear discrimination. Furthermore, structural racism is more sophisticated and indiscriminate. Discrimination against whites and African Americans is evident in their wage discrimination indicators. It's also easy to find it at employment rates.

We need to focus on the fact that race itself is only a member of society, but it plays an important role in society around the world. While there are a number of issues and protests over racism today, there are still many inequalities in society. I think that a change of perception will change the world.

2.Interesting point

This is the Constitutional Court ruling of 1967. "The Almighty created mankind as white, black, yellow, Malay, and red. And they each lived in a different archipelago. This fact shows that God intended not to stand between different races." What's interesting is that more than 50 years ago, white and African-American marriages were illegal. No matter how much skin color they were stratified and under pressure, I didn't think they would have banned marriage.


Our society is still facing a variety of issues of racism. I think there's definitely a difference of opinion about race, even if it's not physical discrimination. They say they are angry and uncivilized about racism in other countries. However, our country often sets the standard of discrimination on race as well as ours. Do you really think race is a person's ability? Do you think race implies inferiority and siperior?

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