Thursday, November 15, 2018

Week 14 : Demography Heo SeonYeong 허선영

Demographic indicators of population statistics often provide useful information to account for world events. These statistics are based on birth and death reports. Therefore, it is difficult for developing countries to obtain reliable demographic data. A woman gives birth and this has a big impact on statistics. The birth rate can be divided into several criteria. Among them, the alternative birth rate is the number of children women must have in order to replace the existing population. It is generally based on 2.1 children during a woman's lifetime. This level can vary from country to country. In general, higher education levels for women reduce the birth rate. In addition, excessive childcare costs can reduce the birth rate. Death also affects demographics as much as birth. Death rates can also be divided into several categories and in advanced countries, death rates can be high. This is because of the relatively large number of elderly people. Long life spans can affect wealth, race, and job satisfaction. Population growth is relatively slow before industrial societies because both birth and death rates are high. Both birth and death rates have fallen as we move into an industrial society. This shift from high to low ratio is called demographic transformation. Overpopulation is not about the number of people, but the proportion of population and resources is important. The United Nations claims that the birth rate will stabilize to 9 billion people by 2075. Most of the births are expected to come from Africa. Canada and Australia are seeing their population increase with high immigration rates. In the early 19th century, the population is growing exponentially and resources are growing numerically, making it difficult to secure enough resources for the population to use. But worldwide food production increased faster than the population. The more food they had, the more population they expected. On the other hand, if there is less food, the birth rate will also be lowered. However, the theory was criticized for having the most abundant resources in developed countries with low birth rates. Anyway, overpopulation has characteristics such as child poverty, life expectancy reduction, and rising unemployment. Economic development and improved status of women can solve this problem of overpopulation.

What was interesting/What did we learn:

I find it interesting that the alternative birth rate. It has been interpreted that the reason for giving birth to 2.1 children in a lifetime is to replace two parents and replace women who do not give birth. I wonder what the alternative birth rate will be in our country.

Discussion point:
Do you plan to have children in the future? Living with a child may be difficult, but it can give him greater happiness. However, it will be difficult to invest in yourself. Do you want your child to have?

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