Saturday, November 10, 2018

Race and Ethnicity/ week10/ 엄서영 Um seoyoung

1. Summary
 Race is classified according to morphological characteristics, such as skin color and facial characteristics. Ethnicity is classified as a social trait. There are nationalities, tribes, religious beliefs, a shared language, common culture, and traditional sharing.
 Racism includes individual-level racism, structural racism, cultural racism, historical racism, racial profiling, colorist racism, and genocide.
 Structural racism is an inequality built into an organization or system. The discrimination of the past has resulted in unconscious prejudice. The above figure shows that even though blacks and Hispanics share the same income as whites, they are less likely to be approved for housing mortgages

2. What was interesting/what did you learn
 Although we thought that racial discrimination was less common than in the past, we still felt that the unconscious part of our lives was firmly established. And I knew that racial discrimination could be divided in so many different ways, and I knew that discrimination was happening in different areas.

3. Discussion point
 Can't you get rid of racism at all? What should we do to try to narrow the racial gap?

1 comment:

  1. I find it difficult to completely resolve racism. I think there are many people who are racist no matter how well they think about race since they were young. Therefore, I think there should be a law that can punish such people severely.
