Saturday, September 22, 2018

Culture / Week 3 / JaeSeong Lee

ballet, a traditional high culture
Source :


High culture reflects the inequality caused by colonization of the European world. Classical music and ballet are typical. The subculture comes from the participation of a few people and is typically a bicycle club and military culture. Countercultures is a culture that opposes and actively challenges the dominant culture of society such as the hippie movement and the green movement. Ethnocentrism refers to the tendency to look at the world from the perspective of one's own culture, and cultural relativism is the belief that the concept and values of culture cannot be fully translated or understood in other languages.

2.What was interesting/ What did you learn

The origin of culture was quite interesting. According to the theory of evolution, culture is the result of human evolution, they say. The evolutionary process has evolved the human ability to categorize and encode experiences. In particular, culture can easily spread around and create many cultures.

3.Discussion Point

Should we acknowledge all cultural differences? In an extreme example, people who believe in Islam kill them for being gay. Should we understand the small cultural differences unconditionally as well as the examples above?


  1. I don't think we should acknowledge a culture in which people's human rights and lives are not respected.
    If those cultures are recognized, people with that culture can lose their human rights and suffer a lot of damage.

    1. I think a culture that ignores human rights should not be respected. So, should all cultures be respected so that they do not violate human rights? Even the French culture of eating the monkey's head split?

  2. Every culture has its own characteristics and identity. But at the moment it hurts members of other cultures, the culture is not qualified to get respect. Islam, written as an example, ignore others with their extreme beliefs. That's why they don't deserve to be respected. Therefore, there is no need to understand.

    1. I don't think Islam is wrong. However, it is true that extreme religious groups such as IS are problematic. I think we need to find a solution around the world. Can we resolve the conflict with IS in a peaceful way, not in war?

  3. We're human before we're cultural. There are ethics and human rights that we have to protect. A culture that goes against ethics and human rights should never be admitted. We have to let them know that it is wrong.

    1. A culture that harms human rights is wrong and must be corrected. So, should we follow the culture unconditionally when we enter another culture from the point of not harming human rights?

  4. I think I have to understand something because it is their culture. But I don't think it's right to kill people. I think their culture should be understood but ethically inclusive. What do you think about dog meat culture?

    1. I think we should look at dog meat culture and dog slaughter separately. Eating dogs is not wrong. However, I think that the unsanitary and barbaric actions Koreans take when they kill dogs are wrong.
