Saturday, September 22, 2018

Sociology Religion / Week 3 / HanBin Bae

In sociology, religion knows the structure of society and its relationship with religion about how society works. The scope of the study of religious sociology is a religious study of social stability, social change, and the function of which society operates. Religious sociology studies the internal structure of religion itself, the process of development, social functions, social organization and institutions, and studies its relationship with the general social system. This shows that religious sociology has a wide and diverse range of studies.

Many early sociologists suggested a theory to explain religion. These theories approach religion from a slightly different perspective, and can be explained as follows. The function of religion in church, the role of religion in individual life, and the nature of religion. And the structural functions
1. Social cohesion - Religion helps maintain social solidarity through shared rituals and beliefs.
2. Social Control - Religious morality and norms help maintain society's fitness and control. Religion can also justify the political system.
3. Providing Meaning and Purpose - Religion can provide answers to existential questions.

I read Wikipedia and found four questions to be asked to discuss. Among them, does religion generally contribute positively or negatively to society? I was interested in the question. Church acts as a force to change society, and sometimes as a deterrent to social change. Religion is also the focal point that makes society one, but it also divides society and encourages conflict. I wonder what you think about this.

1 comment:

  1. I think religion has more positive influence on society. Religion goes to help people in times of war, not to mention their stability. They also make orphanages and care for the weak in society.
