Saturday, September 29, 2018

economy/ week4/ JongSeo Lee/ 이종서


The economy is all about producing, distributing and consuming goods or services necessary for human life. or social relationships through it
The economy is both the purpose of people's lives and the standard for the country to be judged for, for this reason, a lot of economists have studied this field and made a lot of progress.
According to Smith, one of the leading economists, the passion and action for self-interest moves toward harmonizing the interests of society as a whole, and in the so-called 'unseen hand' in all Smith.
The 'unseen hand' allows you to produce the most appropriate amount and type of material. If this is explained from a market process perspective, price is created as a result of the efforts of many consumers and many producers to maximize self-interest, and the price that is shaped not only to satisfy market participants but also to maximise the benefits of society as a whole.

2.What did you learn

In the 21st century, the economy is becoming more important than any other part because the world is dominated by the economy.
Based on this argument, a nation's system is swayed by the economy. For example, the Republic of Korea can see that all its policies and people's consciousness were focused only on the economy after an IMF occurred in 1997. 
There are cases in which a country can be swayed by the economy, which in turn tells us that the world can be swayed anytime.

3.Discussion Point

As I said earlier, I think the economy is more important than any other field. Do you have any other opinions?


  1. I also think that the economy is the most important. All human beings need money most in their lives. Without money, nothing can be done in a human society.

  2. I think the economy is the most important than any other field.
    The economy is all work about producing and consuming goods etc for people's lives.
    So I think people's lives will be more comfortable and happy if the economy improves.

  3. I think the economy is just as important as other factors.
    Exchanging goods and services makes people's lives better. Even if the economy doesn't work well, you can survive, but the quality of life will fall.

  4. I think the economy is the most important thing today. This is because the economy is closely related to the most basic food and shelter in which people live. And I believe that the importance of the market economy is getting bigger nowadays because the market economy has developed. However, I think that there is a difference in the importance of the economy depending on the region, the GDP per country, and the economic situation. A relatively wealthy country is looking for a way to live a better life in basic ritual and shelter. In the case of Japan or Korea where the economy is stagnant, it is because young people are tired of these economic societies, farming directly and choosing lifestyle of the past age. Nevertheless, the economy of a country today is an important part because it is directly proportional to the power of the country.
