Saturday, September 29, 2018

Economy / Week 4 / 한예림 Hanyerim

1. Summary

Economy is the way people use the environment to meet their material needs. It includes the production, exchange, distribution and consumption of goods and services in the region. Ancient economies were self-sufficient, and Scandinavians were the first to use gold and silver coins. There are two typical economic systems. One is capitalism, which is an economic and social system that privately controls capital and non-labor production elements or means of production. Profits are taken by the owner or invested in technology and industry and wages are paid to the worker.
Another is socialism, which refers to the various theories and social characteristics of an economic organization that advocates the production and distribution of public or direct workers and resources. Use an equal approach to all individual resources using compensation methods based on the amount of labor consumed.

2. What was interesting / What did you learn
I lived in a capitalist country and thought capitalism was more familiar and better. But this time, capitalism has problems such as the unfair distribution of wealth and power. We found that there was a tendency to a unique primitive state structure when we combined laissez faire with capitalist private property. I thought only of North Korea and China as a socialist country, but I realized that there are various countries like Vietnam and Laos.

3. Discussion Point
What if we combined only the advantages of capitalism and socialism? Do you think such a country exists?


  1. Already, all countries are trying to reconcile socialism and capitalism. Korea is also combining elements of socialism in income redistribution. The basic age pension is an example.

    1. Pension contributions also differ depending on property.So is this really a socialist factor?̊̈

  2. I don't think we can combine only the advantages of capitalism and socialism. If that were possible, wouldn't it have already been realized? We believe that the advantages and disadvantages of each economic system should be considered and applied to the state. Therefore, I do not think such a country exists.

    1. I admit that it's hard to combine only strengths. However, I think that if socialism and capitalist countries were to be unified (even South and North Korea), elements would be combined.
