Saturday, September 22, 2018

Economy / Week 4 / Cindy Paskalina Kweesar

Economics is a branch of Social Sciences that studies a human activity that is closely related to the problem of production, distribution and consumption of a service or goods.
Before we use money as part of our economy, humans used to only use a system called barter. They exchange goods for goods such as certain amount of rice for certain amount of beef. But with the development of the era, gold coins and silver coins began to be used by the public. Human ability to write and read also makes the human economy more developed. We begin to divide private property, make compensation and give fine to people who break the law. The economy continues to grow in medieval times, where there are many investment processes, openings in trading, and stock exchange discoveries. Until now, the economy continues to grow and does not rule out the possibility of major discoveries in it.

What was interesting/what did you learn
The most famous economic systems are capitalism and socialism. They have different positions and views in economic life. Adherents of capitalism argue that individuals have the right to have the means of production. This raises a lot of criticism such as the possibility of monopoly by certain parties so that wealth inequality is created in society. On the contrary, socialism considers that society must have the same and equal resources. This system has not escaped criticism because some scholars consider that socialism cannot be implemented in the real world.

Discussion Point
After I read this week's reading, I want to know whether socialism and communism are the same or different


  1. This is a good post. But I want to know wether you think money is playing a big role in the society? And how it is dividing the structure in the society? Because in this you post you didn't talk about it so I want to know your opinion.

  2. I'm Impressed with your writing, but I want to ask one thing. Which one do you prefer for economic system? The socialism? or The Capitalism?
