Saturday, September 29, 2018

Economy / Week4 / 배찬형 Bae Chanhyeong


As society ages, the economy develops. What people do to meet their needs for any situation is also economics. We face the economy every day through goods and services. Capitalism aims to drive profits through the economy. 
Establish and sell prices for goods and services according to demand and supply. Capitalism admits free competition, but it prohibits monopoly and cartels.
Socialism places importance on the interests of society as a whole rather than on individual human beings. Socialism is the ideology that we consider to be the basis of society, not the sole preserve of the individual. And they have national control to resolve economic imbalances.

2.What was interesting / What did you learn

Environmentalists argue that capitalism will deplete Earth's limited resources for sustainable economic growth. I agree on this point. I think it is the economy to use the environment they live in for human economic gain, but I think we should pay attention to the fact that it is only focusing on upgrading the economy and hurting the environment. Resources are finite and will eventually run out. I think capitalism would collapse if capital were depleted.

3. Discussion Point

Capitalism aims to pursue individual interests. Capitalism therefore leads to competition. In this process, wealth bias occurs and, like wealth, power is biased.
Once biased, wealth and power can only be kept by the same person through monopoly and hereditary succession.
However, I think excessive succession of wealth and power should be controlled to a certain level because it threatens to disrupt the economic system. So what do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I also think we should control excessive wealth and power. However, in capitalism, a person's skill is better than others, which can be recognized in society. To control wealth and power, society cannot lower one's skill. I think government should control only those who abuse power maliciously.
