Saturday, September 22, 2018

Religion / Week 3 / 배찬형 Bae Chanhyeong

1, summary

Sociologists study religion.
There are three approaches to the definition of religion.
Emile Durkheim said that religion is a sacred element in society.
Sociologists also consider religion to be the answer to any question.
Finally, in scientific definition, religion is the belief in supernatural things.
Sociologists do not study the right or wrong of religion, but take various methodological approaches to understand religion.

2. What was interesting / What did you learn

I found the subject of sectarianism interesting.
There are many different religions in our country. 
As the various sects formed by religious denominations grow, each sect goes three ways to disperse, institutionalize, and develop.
Here, the denominations of our country were also divided into various groups by different methods of operation and interpretation of religion.
But I thought it was interesting that some sects were devout and others were divided into heresy.

3. Discussion Point

In the past, humans created the existence and religion of God in hopes of changing things like natural disasters and death that were beyond human control. 
As technology advances as time goes by, belief in the divine being and religion is gradually decreasing.
Will religion survive in the future?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Like your opinion, religion may have been created in the past simply to avoid bad luck. But now religious people believe in the truth of each religion, and I think it is rare to have a religious life to prevent natural disasters with shamanistic beliefs. Therefore, I believe that religion will exist in the future.

    1. understand that each religious person has the truth they believe and continues to practice religion to realize it

  3. It was interesting because it was different from the reading material I read. But my answer to the question, "Will religion survive later as technology advances?" is yes. I think our world has developed completely since the old shamanism. In a world that has already made great strides, religions are still alive. I also believe in religion as a Christian, my faith will last forever.

    1. I know you are a devout Christian and understand your opinion.

  4. I think religion can survive in the future. The reason people believe in religion is that they want to lean on someone, as well as fear of natural disasters or death. No matter how advanced technology may have reduced the fear of natural disasters or deaths, the possibility is not entirely gone. Also, a mind that wants to be helped and expected by a difficult environment cannot be solved by technology. Therefore, religion will continue to survive.
