Saturday, September 29, 2018

Week5 : Politics Heo SeonYeong 허 선영


 Politics is not only found in civil government, but in the interactions of all groups. Power and authority are difficult to distinguish, in short, power is the power of a group that maintains a group. The group also serves to distribute public resources to people. Authority comes from legal authority and is traditionally hereditary. There is also a charismatic authority that comes from the same power as God. The government can use violence against individuals who do not follow instructions.
 The form of government is divided into monarchy, democracy, totalitarianism, oligarchy, communism, and theology. As many countries have done in the past, it is called monarchy that an individual becomes the owner of a state. Democracy has the power or sovereignty of the people. This makes people equal and free. Totalitarianism is a political system that regulates people's privacy as well as their public life. oligarchy is a concept derived from the number of people or groups with power, and the state of the community plays a dominant role in government, legislation and constitution. Theocracy is said to be a monarchy created by God.
2.interesting point
 Although I have heard a lot about monarchy and democracy, it was interesting to hear about totalitarianism and oligarchy. In the case of totalitarianism, it was interesting that the state controlled the media and the single party controlled the state. oligarchy was thought to be more of a concept from the number of people in power than from the political system.
3.discussion point
 In terms of gender-specific political participation, women are more active in voting than men, but in political terms, men are superior to women. I wonder what you think about why.
 Cambodia revived the monarchy in 1993. Now that many countries have abolished the monarchy, what do you think about Cambodia's resurrection? Also, I wonder why some countries keep the monarchy.

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