Friday, September 28, 2018

Economy/week4/Aim Kim

1.       Summary

Economics is the way people use the environment to meet their material needs. As society grew and became more complex, the concept of economics expanded, and from the 16th century today's capitalism began to evolve gradually. The economics of capitalism developed from interactions in goods, money, labor, production methods, production, and five categories. Capitalism is controlled through the price of goods and services (demand, supply, and competition). In capitalist countries, the government regulates service standards in various industry sectors and funds various programs. Individuals can also work wherever they want. However, some critics argue that capitalism has something to do with the unfair distribution of wealth and power. Marx, in particular, says the value of the exchange of labor reflected in wages is less than that produced by capitalists. Like this, most socialists share the view that capitalism creates unequal societies and focuses only on power and wealth. Then there comes a socialist society that features equal access to resources for all individuals with compensation methods based on the amount of labor consumed. However, there were criticisms that socialist economic and political models were incompatible with the freedom of civil society.

2.       What is interesting / what did you learn

I think it is interesting that the United States increased its support for socialism in a poll conducted during the financial crisis. In fact, I think of America first among capitalist countries. So I thought Americans were very proud of their society. But it was surprising that such a bad situation affected the support of socialism because many people were hit by the financial crisis.

3.       Discussion point

I think there are advantages and disadvantages to capitalist and socialist societies. There were Germany, the Soviet Union, and China in the socialist countries. But over time, socialist countries gradually disappeared, not all. Why do you think while a capitalist country continue to flourish, a socialist country failed to maintain its system?

1 comment:

  1. I think the reason why socialist countries have failed to maintain their regime is that their competitiveness has weakened in the world over time. They were slower in economic growth than in capitalist countries, and people in frustrated socialist countries changed their beliefs and changed their minds to capitalism to revolutionize or change their governments.
