Saturday, September 29, 2018

Economy / Week4 / Kwon Ah Yeon

1. summary 

 In human society, the economy is inseparable. People have used various economic systems to meet various needs and needs, and as human societies develop, they have also evolved. Before the concept of money was invented, people got things through barter, which is based on social relationships. As times advanced, money began to appear, and furthermore, we were defining private property.
 Society can be divided into a capitalist economy and a socialist economy. Capitalism is an organization that recognizes the ownership of goods as a basic right of members of society. An individual can make decisions about the transfer, sale, consumption and disposal of goods and is an economic system based on private ownership. Socialism is an organization formed in a way that compensates for the consumption of labor and is based on equal distribution, allocation and access.
 The economy continues to grow with the growth of human society, and economic research is a must in social studies.

2. What is interesting  

 For me living under the capitalist system, the socialist economy is strange and strange. It was good to know the views of those who continue economic life with different views from mine. I think an individual has the right to own and dispose of his property with a personal means of production. Considering the sympathetic equality of wealth that the socialist system claims, it is an ideal system. However, this ideal system is very difficult to realize in real life, and by exploiting it, inequality of wealth still continues.

3. Discussion Point

 I'd like to hear the vivid opinions of people who live in the socialist system. It will be necessary to have in-depth discussions on whether the communist regime is really a fair and ideal system, or if the capitalist system is an unreasonable system that causes inequality in wealth.

1 comment:

  1. Socialism has a lot to do with our position. Therefore, I agree that it is also important to listen to vivid testimony to understand the pros and cons of a socialist country. The advantages and disadvantages of socialism will far outweigh the pros and cons of theory.
